A Comprehensive Guide For Hazardous Substances Claims

Posted by hasnain shah alam on December 26th, 2020

Getting exposed to hazardous substances and chemicals can result in severe health issues. Despite the significant advancements we have seen over the years, and companies always working to provide safe working conditions for their workers, we still see people suffering from diseases and injuries because they were handling dangerous chemicals and substances. All companies and factories have their standard operating procedures listed. However, if these SOPs aren’t followed religiously, people can easily get exposed to toxic gases and chemicals. 

Every year we see countless people suffering from serious injuries and health problems, such as dermatitis, asthma, different types of cancer, or lung problems. All these issues are diagnosed, and in most cases, and the root cause of them is exposure to hazardous substances at the workplace. 

The law of the UK makes it very clear that all employers and company owners owe a duty of care towards their employees. They have this legal responsibility to fulfil. This responsibility means providing safe working conditions for everyone. There are several official documents that outline regulations explaining how to protect employees from the dangers of chemical exposures at factories. 

If you feel your employer has depicted negligence or carelessness in providing the duty of care, as a result of which you sustained injuries, you have the right to submit a claim to compensate for your losses. 

Hazardous Substances

If the factory is not following the right procedure of dumping toxic waste, this will lead to several problems. Polluting the environment is obviously a negative consequence of this wrong practice, but this will have its repercussions noted in the long term. People who are working in such areas will be the first to pick up severe illnesses. A huge number of people fall victim to these issues every year. 

Leaving a hazardous substance open to the environment, or dumping it illegally, is considered as negligence. This will hurt a lot of people. If this is seen, there’s a strong chance to submit a claim for compensation. 

Conditions To Be Fulfilled For Hazardous Substance Claims

If you’re working at a place where toxic chemicals are used and you feel you have fallen ill as a consequence of dealing with those hazardous chemicals, you have the right to claim for compensation. However, these conditions must be present to certify the relevance of the claim.

  • The problem or injury you’ve experienced must have happened in the last three years

  • Your employer is to be completely blamed for this mishap

  • The person you’re claiming against owed you the duty of care

Perks Of Compensation

In all honesty, getting rewarded with money can never be enough for a person who is going through serious illness because of someone’s carelessness. However, this money can be the much-needed support the victim needs in this hard time. The personal injury law was made to provide any such victims with the financial support in their hard time in order to put them back in good health like they were before they experienced the mishap. This monetary reward will be a great help in getting the needed treatment to fasten up the recovery process and taking off all the burden from your shoulders. 

Exposure to hazardous substances isn’t only detrimental for the victim, but their families and loved ones as well. This is because they will have to compromise their time as well. If you’ve come across any such misfortune, be quick to get in touch with Wallace Legal. We will provide you with the best personal injury lawyer to take care of your matter. Our solicitors have been dealing with a profusion of personal injury claims and have successfully obtained compensation for almost all the cases they have worked on. 

The Duration Of Claim Process

Claims that involve complex injuries and illnesses typically take a long time to resolve, as compared to other personal injury cases. In this case, your employer or company owner can conveniently deny the liability or claim that the blame is shared. If this happens, the matter will take some time to reach its conclusion. 

There is no defined period for these cases to finish. Every case is unique and has multiple different factors at play that determine the longevity of the claim process.

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hasnain shah alam

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hasnain shah alam
Joined: December 9th, 2020
Articles Posted: 38

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