What a portfolio web designer should be like?

Posted by aimewolf on June 16th, 2014

As fun and interesting as it is to design a website, it is as important to publicize your work to the rest of the world. And, how do you do that? Haven’t you heard of the new in thing in the web world – web portfolios? This is how to reach out and show off what you are capable of. If you are web designer and busy working on client projects, then find some time out and make an effort to let the world know what they are missing out by not hiring you. Go for a wacky portfolio web designer and proudly display your talent.

Features of a portfolio web designer

The most important part of creating web portfolios is to be aware of what needs to be included and what doesn’t. Take a look at the following points, they will surely help you in understanding the concept of a portfolio and how it works in attracting the attention of potential clients.

•             What’s your strength? First of all, the portfolio needs to be designed keeping in mind your strength. That’s how the landing page should look like. Your portfolio is about you, your work, and what you do best. It will define the perception of the visitors and this is how they will form an opinion of you. 

•             Build your brand: Think of yourself as a brand that needs to be marketed so that the right customers are attracted to buy the services offered. Create your logo and tagline. This is how you potential clients will recognize you.

•             Linked and easy to move around: Most of the web portfolios are so designed that the visitors get lost in navigation. You need to understand the nuances of right linking procedures so that your visitors can take a look at the entire portfolio without having to search for anything. Every little piece of information should be at the tip of their fingers. 

•             Include an ‘About Me’ section so that your clients get to know more about the kind of person you are, your education, background, qualification, interests and hobbies. Also, include your contact details in all the pages of your portfolio.

•             Take advantage of the social media networking if you want to reach out to more and more prospective clients. Your portfolio web designer should be linked well to the various social media websites so that the visibility increases.

•             Put up your best designs and remember to bring in variety so that you are able to bag in different kinds of business deals. Branching out is very important in this business. Remember, stagnancy is equivalent to death, and we don’t want that, do we?

•             Don’t forget to make a Call to Action so that your visitors know what they need to do to be able to contact you and hire your services

A portfolio web designer should be attractive, specific including all relevant information and have a call to action to incite the clients to work with you. Follow the basics of web portfolios and you will surely be able to build in a respectable clientele in a short span of time.

Designing the right web portfolios such as portfolio web designer will surely attract more clients.

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