How to write a blog ? points to consider

Posted by SharonEvans on August 24th, 2014

Writing is not something mechanical that whenever you want you can start off with it. Writing a blog is like having a lot of steam stored inside like a pressure cooker and letting all the steam off in one go. You have to be passionate about what you are writing. So the first thing that you need to do is to realize what you are passionate about, what is it that interests you most, about which your mind is waiting for words to be framed into sentences. Unless you feel something inside you pinching you to write a blog, it’s not time yet. And if that pinch goes stronger and stronger then it’s high time you hit it. Here’s a guide on how to write a blog which will definitely take your initiative one step above and give you enough impetus to never leave the blogosphere now, once you are here.

Decide the reason of writing a blog

It’s very important to recognize the reason why even the idea of blogging has hit you this fine morning and you’ve decided to take a step back and read all about it. Do you want to just share your personal opinions and thoughts and want to connect your blog to a select few and create a very personal platform? Or, is it that you are on a deliberate marketing campaign where you will need to identify your target audience and connect with them using the right words, right technique, right format and finally a Call To Action (CTA)? The reason will only slightly affect your blog creation process.

Decide the category

The first and most important thing in blogging is deciding the category and the topic. Today, blogging isn’t just about writing, though good content is the heart and soul of the blog, but even quality needs to be presented in the proper manner so that it becomes attractive for the takers. So, it is important that a great topic is selected, one that can find a good number of readers. This is one of the important lessons on how to write a blog.

Decide the target readers

When you start deciding the topic, you need to keep in mind the kind of audience you wish to cater to so that your blogs keep finding a great number of takers. Deciding what kind of readers you wish to pull in as followers is very important as that will decide your writing style and your approach as well. Whether you will be focused on business or on social media, whether you will be writing with a casual approach or have a business like tone – all this will depend on what kind of readers you are targeting for. So, writing a blog isn’t all about just the content creation. A lot of things have to be kept in mind.

With three main categories taken care of the next few steps are quite easy to follow:

•             Organize and write the content;

•             On page SEO is an important part getting your blog up the ranks and

•             Give a catchy title to your blog which is great to read and good for SEO as well.

With these points in mind you are quite ready to start writing a blog. Now, that you have gathered a good amount of information on how to write a blog, just go ahead and take the leap.

Know how to write a blog and follow the steps and start writing a blog easily.

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