Bamboo Dining-Room Furniture?The Reason Why It is a Great Investment

Posted by HaikuDesigns on March 17th, 2015


Trees used for conventional wood take 30-50 years to regenerate to their full mass. In the meantime, there is less oxygen produced, less carbon dioxide consumed, and more soil runoff in the place where the tree was harvested. Unfortunately, this produces harmful environmental effects. When it comes to sustainability, bamboo exceeds traditional lumber in every way. 

Bamboo is timed as the fastest growing plant on Earth. Some species of bamboo have been measured to grow over 3 feet in 24 hours. Remarkably, a pole of bamboo can regenerate to its full mass in just 6 months. Without causing damage to the plant system and the surrounding environment, bamboo can be continuously re-harvested every 3 years. During the period that it takes to regenerate, bamboo's root-system stays intact so erosion is prevented. Continuous harvesting of this woody grass every few years improves the general health of our plant. 

It is now believed that if bamboo were planted on a massive scale that it could possibly reverse the effects of global-warming in just 7 years or less, while providing a renewable source of food, construction material, and erosion prevention. Bamboo’s thick root- system helps to maintain the integrity of our soil, which prevents landslides and keeps nutrients from getting dumped into rivers and lakes where they can harm the ecosystem.





Carbon Sequester

It’s now known that bamboo sequesters carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and converts the carbon into plant fiber. If bamboo and wood are made into houses, then the carbon is effectively stored for the lifespan of the house, which means that bamboo and wood houses become a carbon-capture and storage-system. Current evidence shows that effectively managed bamboo plantations of clumping bamboo in tropical and subtropical climates creates more biomass than trees. Meaning that, bamboo could produce more houses and sequester more carbon than the same location planted with trees.

Bamboo removes CO2 from the air and via photosynthesis it transforms this gas into sugars, which then become the compounds that create the bamboo fiber. Fifty percent of bamboo consists of carbon, and that carbon, from the atmosphere, is locked up in the bamboo fiber itself.  When that fiber is used to construct buildings or furniture, the carbon is sequestered for the product’s lifetime.

Flourishing forests absorb CO2, so large bamboo plantations and sustainable management of existing bamboo resources could become effective carbon sinks. Bamboo minimizes CO2 gases and generates up to 35% more oxygen than the equivalent cluster of trees. Vigorous growth makes bamboo an attractive plant for carbon sequestration and the quick expansion of a raw material for sustainable economic growth.

Currently, human activity produces 30 billion tons of carbon dioxide each year, and bamboo offers one of the quickest ways to remove that vast amount of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. At the same time, the cultivation of bamboo creates jobs and opportunities for farmers and builders throughout the world. 


Bamboo flooring can be as soft as pine and harder than maple, depending on the species of bamboo used and when it was harvested. As a result, Teragren bamboo averages 25% harder than red oak and 12% harder than North American maple. In comparison to wood species, Natural Bamboo is 27% harder than oak and 13% harder than maple. Natural Bamboo is composed of complex fibers that don’t absorb moisture as easily as wood. Thanks to its unique composition, bamboo is naturally designed for strength. Unlike wood, bamboo has no knots, allowing it to withstand more stress throughout the length of each stalk. Bamboo’s sectional anatomy, on a microscopic fiber level, enhances its structural integrity. The high silica content in bamboo fibers means the material cannot be digested by termites.

With different chemical extracts than hardwood, bamboo is better suited for gluing, and it has a higher tensile strength than many alloys of steel and a higher compressive strength than many mixtures of concrete. The dense fibers in bamboo give the plant exceptional flexibility, allowing it to bend without snapping. During an earthquake, a bamboo forest is a safe place to take shelter, and houses made of bamboo have been known to withstand an earthquake of 9.0 magnitude. For thousands of years, bamboo has been the construction staple of the world.

  • Crafted in 100% solid Moso bamboo
  • No plywood, particle board, or MDF
  • Eco-friendly, sustainable resource
  • 20% harder than Red Oak


The finish of Haiku Designs’ bamboo dining-room set has an exquisite linear grain or texture and a natural finish of its own, without any stain or varnish on its surface may be the one factor that makes bamboo so unique—It’s so hard and so glossy by its very nature that it needs no supplement to reinforce its strength or protect its beauty. It has a natural integrity that puts it in a category all its own, and that alone speaks for itself. 

About the Author:


Clay Phipps is the founder of Haiku Designs which is a market leader in platform beds and modern furniture.

Since its inception, Haiku Designs has provided the finest collections of modern furniture for home and offices. It offers all kinds of bedroom, living room and dining room products. Apart from this, Haiku Designs also offers natural bedding, floor covering and accessories.


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Joined: August 22nd, 2014
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