Content: why the royal treatment?

Posted by Babu Raj bssqatar on May 20th, 2015

You’ve probably seen the phrase “content is king” in the Internet a number of times. However, why does content get such a royal treatment?

Marketing and sales is constantly evolving. While some traditional strategies are still effective, there are some techniques that have become more efficient, not to mention profitable, for businesses. Content marketing is one of them. Marketing, primarily, is promoting products or services that can help solve customer needs. The faster those needs are solved, the more customers avail of those products or services, especially at a consistent basis, the more profitable the situation is for businesses. Unique content gives this dynamic process a different facet. Compelling content reaches out to more people through Google and other search engines, SEO viability and social media, allowing people to interact with the business or brand, share it with others and willingly go back to the source.

Content is the king that gladly takes care of its supporters’ needs, hence, it constantly wins their trust and loyalty. For this reason, content has become the indispensable tool businesses use to reach out across a number of people.

Every day, around 27 million content from social channels and websites are shared by people worldwide. Content is shared mostly through email, social media, blogs and message boards. More than 70 percent of Internet users prefer to receive content from articles rather than ads, and over 60 percent of them are more likely to make an actual purchase and even share the content they encountered. Conversion rates also double when customers, through unique content, interact and take part in product reviews. Customers also increase their shopping expenses by 83 percent when provided with appealing content through email. That, itself, is a substantial reason why content is lording it over the marketing realm.

The key to content, however, is its uniqueness. It has to be different and compelling to customers. Aggressive advertising is often forceful. Unique content, however, moves customers to listen, take part and share, and return for more. While it may be subtly suggestive, it does not tell them what to do.It is non-invasive and organically flows with the online experience of Internet users.

So businesses who have yet to utilize content in their marketing portfolios may wish to seek an audience with the “king.” And, no, a curtsy is not necessary.

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Babu Raj bssqatar

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Babu Raj bssqatar
Joined: May 20th, 2015
Articles Posted: 8

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