Tips for Getting Hiatal Hernias Fixed the First Time

Posted by Dr. Nick Nicholson on August 25th, 2015

Treating hiatal hernias with medication and lifestyle changes can often have a big impact for those who suffer from this condition. Sometimes, however, surgery is required to stem discomfort and pain. This type of surgery can prove to be extremely effective, but when it’s not, additional problems can arise. If the first try at repairing a hiatal hernia isn’t successful, patients are likely to see their pain and chronic heartburn issues return. Fixing a hernia the second time around can also prove problematic.

So, what can patients do to ensure their hiatal hernia is treated properly the first time around? While there are no guarantees with any type of surgical procedure, these measures can prove very helpful when a hiatal hernia is the source of pain and discomfort:

  •          Exhaust non-surgical options first – Hiatal hernias occur when a perforation forms in the area where the esophagus and diaphragm meet up with the stomach. This type of hernia can cause chronic discomfort, especially related to acid reflux and heartburn. Medications can often help reduce these symptoms while helping patinets avoid the need for remedial surgery.  Before moving forward with surgery, in fact, most doctors recommend exhausting all options, such as using medicines to control reflux and making lifestyle changes to reduce acid.
  •          Seek out a qualified surgeon – The surgeon selected to repair a hiatal hernia should be a specialist with lots of experience in this specific type of repair. In addition, the doctor should be comfortable in using a variety of repair methods, especially those that are minimally invasive, such as laporascopy.
  •          Discuss all the options – Should surgical repair be indicated, discuss all the options with the bariatric surgeon. Make sure to understand all the pros and cons of different treatments and carefully weigh the doctor’s preferred recommendation.

Living with a hiatal hernia is often very possible. If medications do not ease symptoms, however, surgery could be indicated. Take care to increase the odds that surgery is performed right the first time by carefully seeking out a qualified professional to handle the job.

About Author:-

One of the most experienced weight loss surgeons in the country – Dr. Nick Nicholson – along with a full staff of surgeons, nurses and other experienced clinicians, help patients reverse obesity with LAP-BAND, Gastric Bypass, Sleeve Gastrectomy and Revisions.


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Dr. Nick Nicholson

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Dr. Nick Nicholson
Joined: June 1st, 2014
Articles Posted: 86

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