Skinners Field & Trail ? well-balanced dog food

Posted by jfab67 on February 13th, 2016

Pavlov had made an important discovery in early twentieth century using dogs as research objects. The experiment with the drooling dogs, ringing of a bell and dog food is known by most of us. While the world learned about the concept of classical conditioning, an overlooked but “stimulating” thought that emerged was like human beings animals or rather dogs too look forward to their feeding times with much anticipation. The difference is we can design our own meals depending on the mood or occasion but the poor dogs have to depend on their owners. As a pet owner you should know what to feed to your dog and in how much portion so that your dog doesn’t lose out on proper nutrition. There would be quite a few pet food stores that stock on various brands of animal feed. But, it is important to choose one that sells quality product like Skinners Field & Trail dog feed.

Dogs prefer food that smells good. Quality food ensures that your dog remains healthy, has a good digestive system, a strong immunity system and of course a shiny coat. Dog food available from animal feed stores contain different ratio of nutrients like protein, carbohydrate and fat. Depending on your dog’s age and habit you need to identify which ratio would work best. Take an audit of your dog’s health and find out whether your pet suffers from bad breath, allergy, recurring stomach problems, repeated worm infestation, low energy or aggressive behaviour. If you are ticking against most symptoms it means you need to relook into the food you are feeding to your dog. Top rated brands save you from doing trial and error. Skinners Field & Trail is a reputed brand preferred by many dog owners.

Skinners Field & Trail feeds are prepared keeping potential allergens out of the ingredient list. A good combination of protein, oil, fibre, vitamin and other minerals make the duck meat and whole rice combo meal a palatable option for your canine friend. The product is free from gluten and is known to keep your dog away from skin and digestive problems. If your dog is an infant then the puppy grade food would work best while the junior pack is best to prepare the puppy for adulthood. A lot of study has gone into creating the right kind of animal feed so that your pet remains happy and healthy and energetic.

The junior dog food of Skinners Field & Trail contains essential minerals, vitamins, fat, fibre and oil. A mixture of wheat, rice, maize and chicken, this grade of dog food can be easily digested by the young dog. Formulated by nutritionists these commercial feeds ensure that your dog gets all the nutritional requirements without getting any dietary or skin problem. Search the net for shops that cater to different varieties of animal feed and share your concerns with them. Reputed shops can guide you in choosing the right brand that works best for your pet. Don’t forget to disclose if your pet is having any specific ailments.

Choosing the right animal feed is the responsibility of every pet owner. Decide on a store that stocks reputed brands in dog feed like Skinners Field & Trail.

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