Buy Sustabol 350 to Entertain the Upgrade of Body Muscles

Posted by Panda Roids on November 17th, 2021

Use of anabolic steroids can perfectly engineer the upgrade of body muscles without any glitch. It counts in the muscle enhancement, energy boosting, and an overall wellbeing for the anabolic users. The use of the anabolic segments can alter the concept of wellbeing for many, as the users commonly see beyond their choice of bodybuilding supports and delve into promoting a healthy regime.

What is Sustabol 350

A component helping men gonadotropin to be stimulated can also treat tumors in post-menstrual women. Mass and size gaining is the most prominent factor and most beneficial for the bodybuilding programs. The intramuscular Sustabol 350 injection is packed with Testosterone Decanoate 140 mg, Testosterone Phenylpropionate of 84mgs, Testosterone Propionate 42mg, Testosterone Isocaproate of 84mgs. This steroid is a prominent mix of a greater branch of ester steroids, which happen to be prodrugs of testosterone and DHT.

How to use

Use of Sustabol 350 is similar to Sustanon 350, a prominent steroid with testosterone mix. This component is stronger than Sustanon. The anabolic steroid is a compound effective to promote the decent wellbeing concept with fixing low sex drive, tiredness or fatigue, and tiredness. It ensures fixing the 24-48 hours after administration. Health problems may be fixed effectively with 1ml injection in every four weeks.


Increased red blood cells can effectively boost the wellbeing quotient with haemoglobin surge. This will be effective immediately with greater anabolic boosts that may offer a greater benefit to the patients with anemia and also the bodybuilding aficionados in regard to boost their healing ratio. It can energize the body in a proper way to help it gain prominent muscle prowess to meet distinct outcomes. At the same time, the effects of the anabolic steroid can equally energize the lean muscles while bulking up the body.

Side effects

1. Itching

2. Acne

3. Nausea

4. Hepatic activities

5. Cholesterol issues

6. Myalgia

7. Hypertension

8. Changes in libido

9. Ejaculation issues

10. Disturbed sperm-formation

11. Gynecomastia

12. Growth in prostate (benign and malignant)


The component should not be applied on the people allergic from peanut oil and benzyl alcohol. Breast feeding women should not consider this component as well. Men with difficulties in sperm formation may shun Sustabol 350 in regard to maintain a decent wellbeing. Use of insulin in the medical field should not be mixed with Sustabol 350 dosages as well.


Users of Sustabol 350 should consider Trenbolone and Dianabol to maintain a perfect combo for anabolic gaining. The combo can effectively support mass gaining programs and healing from potential internal wound-exposure risks.


The component should be used a maximum of 500mgs per week for bodybuilding. The off-seasons may observe 250mgs of the same for maintaining a heavy gain. For instant gaining within a short span, users may consider 1000mgs per week whence Sustabol 350 is applied as sole anabolic component.

The users need to remember that the consequences after consuming the anabolic steroid is needed to be treated with PCT to regain average physical and psychological potency and overturn the external issues such as estradiol contractions in the body or hypogonadism issues, which may be a result of SHBG activities.

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Panda Roids

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Panda Roids
Joined: July 29th, 2020
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