What Do You Need To Know Before A Vasectomy Procedure?

Posted by New Freedom Family Medicine LLC on February 25th, 2022

You and your partner might have considered Vasectomy at one point in time. The Vasectomy procedure is quite a popular method for permanent birth control.

It\'s best to proceed with the approach when the men are sure they don\'t want any children—the added advantage being less expensive than female sterilization.

Couples who have planned against having any children in the future should consider this as their valid option.

Many Direct Primary Care clinics Hermann, MO, provide effective and safe Vasectomy in your neighborhood. Just enter \'Vasectomy Near me\' on the Google Search bar and read the online reviews of their patients to your heart\'s content.

Let\'s look at what you should keep in mind before going for a Vasectomy procedure.

Think Through These Points Before Going For A Vasectomy Procedure

Decide if it\'s the Right Choice-

Discuss your options with your partner before going ahead with any kind of decision. Vasectomy may be effective, but your partner should feel the same way about it.

Consult a suitable Family Medicine clinic MO if you are unsure about the results and ease of the procedure.

Vasectomy may not be the best option for you if:

  • Either you and/or your partner are still unsure about having children in the future

  • You want to try temporary birth control

It is a safe and effective procedure

Most of the Direct Primary Care clinics Hermann, MO, can perform Vasectomy under local anesthesia or conscious sedation.

Local anesthesia numbs the surgical area by administering pain medicine to your scrotum. You will be conscious during the procedure. But the sedation will help relieve any anxieties for the operation.

Fast Recovery Period

The downtime for the Vasectomy procedure is mostly 2-3 days, after which you can resume your normal routine. Most men can resume their exercise regime and get involved in intercourse within 7 days.

The bruising and swelling from the procedure subside within two weeks.

It does not affect your sexual functioning

A Vasectomy procedure does not reduce your sex drive, nor it negatively affects your ability to have an erection or orgasm.

One should note that only five to ten percent of the ejaculation comes from the testicle. The rest of it originates from the biologies above.

Therefore, even after going through Vasectomy, the patient will experience ejaculation in the same manner as before.

Sterilization doesn\'t happen directly away after Vasectomy

Usually, the sperm count in your ejaculate will reduce over time.

You might have to use other birth control alternatives til your semen is sperm-free, and your provider from a Family Medicine clinic MO gives a green flag.

It usually takes two months or up to 20 ejaculations to get back to expected normalcy.

Reversible but complex

You must know that although Vasectomy may be reversible. Therefore, the best Direct Primary Care clinics Hermann, MO, provide several rounds of counseling to arrive at the correct decision.

A Vasectomy is primarily over in 20 minutes, but the reversal takes four to six hours. It is a pretty complicated and delicate procedure.

Therefore, the interested couple should give due thought before going for the procedure.


Taking care of all the above points in mind, it is only safe to say that the patients interested in Vasectomy should put due consideration and thought while choosing a Direct Primary Care clinics Hermann, MO.

Connect with New Freedom Family Medicine for thorough counseling and affordable Vasectomy procedure packages.

Our doctors provide nothing but the best.

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New Freedom Family Medicine LLC

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New Freedom Family Medicine LLC
Joined: July 2nd, 2020
Articles Posted: 13

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