How to Use Google Analytics Data to Measure and Improve Your SEO

Posted by Leads Brand Connect on May 6th, 2022

What if I say that 67% of all clicks on SERPs go to the first five organic search results in search engines! These are not just statistical data, but a reality that speaks of the cut-throat competition to rank higher on the search engines by sites. Being found online is a business necessity, and a well-planned SEO strategy is an answer to win this riddle. SEO companies in India have put their blood-and-sweat and used measures to continuously track and analyse the marketing data to grow the website’s organic traffic. Luckily, there are various SEO tools for analysing and measuring your SEO data. One of the most reliable tools among them is Google Analytics, which is among the favourite of the best SEO companies. Below are a few ways implied by Google Analytics data companies to enhance the SEO efforts.


Real-time reporting

With the Google Analytics(GA) real-time reporting feature, you can monitor your website in real-time. You can see the number of active users, top referrals, top social traffic and top keywords. Besides, it shows you the location of active users (used whilst running a campaign), shows if the traffic is direct, paid or organic and if you should consider paid traffic for your page. It provides a real-time report of what pages people are browsing and if they view new content, the device they are browsing on, user interaction with the content (downloads, clicks etc.)


Insight reports to find low-hanging opportunities.

Pages don’t rank high forever. They sometimes drop due to low viewership resulting from faults in the optimization techniques. These pages need to be republished to bring them back to their former glory. Google Analytics can help you to explore behavioural metrics and locate the specific data point. For instance, if you want to find out the location from where your page gets the most traffic or a peculiar behaviour in a particular segment of users, Google Analytics can show you an accurate measure of these statistics. The analytics include the number of viewers you had over some time, traffic in their geographies, devices used and more. Analyse the pattern and make improvements. 


Landing page bounce rates and techniques to improve them!

Bounce rate reports give you information if people who landed on your website interacted with a page or left without action from the page. Once you land on the page, sort the report by bounce rate column to identify pages with the highest bounce rates. Bounce rate indicates that people did not like what they saw on your site on first impression. Check the bounce rate on various standpoints like audience overview report- for overall bounce rates, channel report- for a bounce rate of each channel, all pages’ report-for individual pages and all traffic report for each source/medium pair.


Find the time users spend on your sites.

Once you have improved the bounce rate fiasco, next is to examine the time users spend on each page. It indicates how engaging your content is to them. You can go to Behaviour > Site Content > All Pages > Page title. On the page title, you can see the time a user spends on each page. Those where users spend less time need to be improved. It also tells whether the page content matches the user’s search intent and gives Google an impression of your content on a particular search query. Examine the new session report to analyse the average session of first-time visits.


Find organic and non-organic visitors.

Closely monitor organic traffic for specific pages and then exclude organic traffic and measure those metrics too. By doing this, SEO service providers pinpoint poor user experience factors or designs on a page that can be improved, further boosting your SEO efforts.


Check how Google views your site.

Google wants sites ranking high on its search engine to be informative and authoritative in all ways. GA data analytics export allows you to download a report with various interest categories of your site visitors. You can see the EAT(Expertise, Authority, Trust) score of your site by going to Audience > Interests > Overview. You can adjust the content accordingly to improve this score.

An SEO company has expectations of its clients to fulfil, and Google Analytics can excel these requirements with proficiency. Using it can win the SEO game for thriving businesses.

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Leads Brand Connect

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Leads Brand Connect
Joined: December 22nd, 2020
Articles Posted: 4

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