AWS Graviton Silicon Processor Impact On Workload Migration

Posted by Urolime Technologies on August 17th, 2022

With the heavy demand of business shift to cloud platforms from various organizations, it is difficult to maintain the workloads migration of a company. To help your company in easy migration of workloads AWS from Amazon started a new initiative. Any user can easily shift their workload to Graviton silicon processors. As this initiative is new most organizations are facing difficulties to understand better. For that, these organizations are taking the help and guidance from AWS Partner Network for an easy migration process of their cloud workloads running in Amazon Ec2.

What exactly is AWS Graviton?

It is a series of server processors released by AWS from Amazon in the year 2018. It is an arm64 architecture that is supported by popular Linux operating systems such as Ubuntu, Amazon Linux2 etc. It is specially designed for customers of Amazon Ec2 virtual machine instances. There are three versions of Graviton processors. In addition to Ec2 services the other AWS  consulting services can also run their workloads in AWS Graviton. The new program is AWS Graviton Fast Start.

What is the AWS Graviton Fast Start Program?

It helps customers or a company to migrate their workloads easily by following the step-by-step instructions designed by AWS. All the AWS-managed services which are supported on Graviton can use this program. A few of the services are Amazon Ec2, AWS Lambda, Amazon Aurora, AWS Fargate, Amazon EMR etc. Before we go further on how this program makes workload migration easy for the above-mentioned services, it is important to know the factors involved in workload migration.

Factors Involved

  • Adaption is easy for customers as there will be small code changes if they have good knowledge of the process.

  • Software development environment.

  • The technology used for developing an application.

These factors calculate the time and effort required for this process. Let us now focus on a few AWS-managed services in detail.

Amazon EC2:


The most flexible environment for migration of workloads. One can manage workloads like web apps, custom databases etc. One can use open-source applications that support arm64 architecture.

AWS Lambda:


One can easily migrate serverless functions when they use an interpreted runtime such as python.

AWS Fargate:


It works perfectly for applications running in containers. To avail of the benefits of Graviton price-performance, it is advisable to use images containing arm64 architecture in your applications.

Amazon Aurora:


It is important to use a relational database for any application as it is one of its key components. If your company requires a compatible database with MySQL and other relational database services, Amazon Aurora is a perfect choice. It helps you to build a globally available database with high performance as it is powered by Graviton.

Amazon EMR:

With the help of this managed AWS service, one can easily run interactive SQL queries, machine learning applications etc. on Graviton processors. To run these heavy workloads one can use open source analytics frameworks like Apache Hive etc.

Benefits of this program:

  1. It helps to reduce your carbon footprint.

  2. It helps to increase the performance of your company by managing the workload migration part. You can focus on improving the performance of business operations.

  3. It is a cost-effective program designed to help every company.

  4. It minimizes the time involved in processing computer data over a network connection.

  5. Improves the scalability of a business. 

Amazon introduced a challenge in 2021 of migration of workloads to Graviton with many benefits. The reason behind this challenge is to spread awareness and the importance of the Graviton processor. Upon that how it helps in easy migration of workloads. This challenge helped many companies, and businesses to understand the process of AWS migration in detail. 

Every year Amazon releases a new version of the AWS Graviton processor to improve the results with minimal effort. The latest version is the AWS Graviton3 processor. It delivers 3 times better performance, 25% more in computing performance, 2 times the higher floating-point performance, etc. than the previous version of the Graviton processor. Most of the top companies make an official agreement with their AWS Consulting partner to get the latest information and updates regarding AWS managed services, latest programs, and other releases which improve their business operations.

To Sum Up:


It is important to use the latest and modern programs by every company which makes their work easy. Upon that they can focus on improving key business areas. This program is perfect for every modern company as every business is migrating to the latest model and platforms like cloud etc. Whenever you introduce these new programs into the business there will be challenges and problems. At that point, it is advisable to contact AWS Cloud Consulting as their experts and experienced professionals offer support to overcome these challenges and problems. It helps your company to be ahead of your competition and also helps in dealing with the clients.

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Urolime Technologies

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Urolime Technologies
Joined: August 17th, 2022
Articles Posted: 1