Health Benefits of Organic Cold-Pressed Oils for your children

Posted by Sahil Mehta on August 31st, 2022

In the last few years, there has been an increasing interest in organic food products. Moreover, since the advent of the pandemic, people have become quite conscious of what they consume and how it affects their health. The demand for organic food products of all kinds is on the rise. And this includes organic cold pressed oils as well. 

Organic cold pressed oils are extracted from organic seeds, nuts, or vegetables without the use of excessive processing. This means that the oil is extracted using a wooden chakki or a ghani. Organic cold pressed oils are created using a method that preserves their natural color and flavor. However, non-organic oils are extracted with the help of machines for which excessive heat is used.

While this makes it much easier to produce tons of oil, the quality of the oil is greatly compromised. Chemicals are also used for extracting oil when using this method and these chemicals can be quite harmful to consumers. Since cold-pressed oils are entirely natural, they offer a number of health benefits: 

1.     Source of Vitamin E 

Most parents don’t particularly worry whether their kids are getting enough vitamin E, as most kids consume foods such as nuts and seeds. However, if your little one is a picky eater then food cooked in organic cold pressed oils are the best source of vitamin E for them. Vitamin E is also a powerful source of antioxidants that protects cells against damage. In the long run, this will help in preventing cardiovascular disorders and even cancer. Moreover, vitamin E is also great for good skin. Not only your little one, but you will benefit from it immensely as well. 

2.     Boosts Immune system 

Cold-pressed oils are great for boosting the immune system as they contain oleic acid in high amounts. For instance, cold pressed coconut oil that is obtained from the matured and fresh kernels of coconut without any excessive heating are great for strengthening your immunity. 

3.     Nutritional Value remains Intact 

Cold pressed oils are a rich source of fatty acids such as Omega 3 and 6. They also contain several different vitamins such as A, E, C, D and potassium as well. They are also a rich source of zinc. When oils are extracted by excessive processing they tend to lose their nutrients. However, organic cold pressed oils retain all of their nutritional value. These oils also contain bioflavonoids. 

4.     Superior Taste 

Since they retain most of their nutritional value, as well as their natural color and flavor, the food cooked in cold pressed oils taste superior. Your kids will clean up their plates in no time and even ask for second helpings. Even the most boring veggies taste great when stir-fried with flavorful oil. 


Kids tend to be very picky about what they eat but as a parent, it is your responsibility to ensure that they consume a healthy and balanced diet. Along with food cooked in cold pressed oils, you must also include organic seeds, fruits, and pulses in their diet. Once your kids are old enough to realize the importance of a healthy diet, they will be thankful to you. 

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Sahil Mehta

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Sahil Mehta
Joined: July 27th, 2022
Articles Posted: 14

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