Facts About Medical Alert Systems in Raleigh and Durham, NC

Posted by alarmmanncdurham on September 12th, 2022

Being in dire need of help and unable to get it can lead to an unfortunate turn of events. This is where technology can prove to be a lifesaver literally. Being able to contact for help at the opportune moment is of vital importance. Investing in one of the quality medical alert systems in Raleigh and Durham, NC, that have proved their mettle time and again is advantageous.

Admittedly, such systems become invaluable for an older adult living alone, but people of all ages can draw satisfaction by considering using one too. It is indeed heartening to know that the technology behind the alert system will be ready to respond no matter what the hour happens to be. Apart from connecting with a health care professional during medical emergencies, the alert system can also inform the police and fire services s and when needed. Even when one hears a strange sound in the dead of night or experiences a burglar breaking in, the alert system will be a handy tool to spread the word with caution.

However, such a system is not for the entire population. Individuals who stay alone may feel the need for such support. The most plausible reasons for having the medical alert/alarm system near at hand include:

Increased Risk of Slip & Fall- Seniors and individuals who are mobility challenged are in grave danger of suddenly slipping and falling. Being badly bruised or injured with no help forthcoming can be scary. One can have the alert system ready 24X7 so that no call for help goes unheeded. Moreover, installing an additional layer of protection is advisable by opting for a 'fall detection app' to the system. Any fall will instantly alert an operator, and help will be on the way in minutes. Pressing the button down is not necessary either, for all instances of falls will trigger a response.

Ailing Individuals- Being diagnosed with a severe health condition is worrisome. While the patient may be careful about consuming the medicines and following the doctor's instructions to a T, any change in physical health may cause the patient to panic. One can immediately get in touch with the doctor or be connected to the emergency room of the nearest hospital courtesy of the alert system. There will be no waiting for a loved one to drive to the facility or have the doctor visit at home. The operator will arrange medical intervention and immediate treatment at the other end of the system.

Independence- One does not have to give up on freedom with age. Statistics reveal that there are many elderly persons living alone in their own homes. One can live life king-size by turning the medical alert system into a faithful companion. The system comes with GPS that can track the user continuously and provide assistance inside the home and out.

Both homes and business premises benefit from installing surveillance cameras in Burlington and Raleigh, NC, that can scare away trespassers and record all activities, thus ensuring protection for the user.

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