Women's Health Care Pregnancy - Things to Avoid

Posted by Merrygold Health Network on September 22nd, 2022

Most pregnant women can go about their daily lives as usual, with only minor changes to their lifestyle. You want the best for your child. That's why you put sliced fruit in your fortified breakfast cereal, add chickpeas to your salads, and snack on almonds. But do you know what you should avoid when it comes to women's health care pregnancy? Typically, a person only needs to avoid certain foods and activities that could harm the developing baby.

Avoid Seafood High in Mercury
Seafood is high in protein, and the omega-3 fatty acids found in many fish can help your baby's brain and eye development. Some fish and shellfish, however, contain potentially hazardous levels of mercury. A baby's developing nervous system could be harmed by too much mercury.

Avoid Too Much Caffeine
It's a diuretic and a stimulant, so drinking your usual few cups of coffee every day will raise your blood pressure, heart rate, and the number of trips to the restroom. Caffeine also crosses the placenta.

While you may function well on caffeine, your growing child does not. This is due to the fact that your baby's metabolism is still developing. You don't have to give up caffeine completely: Caffeine at moderate levels, defined as 150 to 300 milligrams (mg) per day, should be fine. Just keep in mind that caffeine isn't only found in tea and coffee. It can be found in chocolate, sodas, and even some over-the-counter medications.

Avoid Hot Tubs and Saunas
Relaxing in a hot tub may seem ideal if you're experiencing aches and pains during your pregnancy. However, a high body temperature during the first trimester can cause birth defects. Instead of a hot tub, which typically maintains a water temperature of around 104°F, try a warm bath.

Avoid Sitting or Standing for Too Long
Staying in the same position for too long, whether seated or standing, can be dangerous during pregnancy. It can cause a variety of issues, including swollen ankles and vein issues. Take frequent short breaks to move around if you've been seated, or to raise your legs if you've been standing.

Avoid Wet Paint
Because there is no way to measure toxicity from actual paint exposure, this recommendation is based on the likelihood of toxicity. The toxicity of paint is determined by the individual solvents and chemicals in the paint, as well as exposure. While household painting is assumed to have a low exposure level, the safest course of action is to significantly reduce your exposure to the fumes from these paints.

Avoid Unpasteurized Foods
Many low-fat dairy products, including skim milk, mozzarella cheese, and cottage cheese, can be a nutritious addition to your diet. Anything containing unpasteurized milk, on the other hand, is prohibited. These products may cause foodborne illness. Soft cheeses, such as brie, feta, and blue cheese, should be avoided unless they are clearly labeled as pasteurized or made with pasteurized milk. Avoid drinking unpasteurized juice as well.

Avoid Unwashed Fruits and Vegetables
Wash all raw fruits and vegetables thoroughly to remove any harmful bacteria. Raw sprouts of any kind, including alfalfa, clover, radish, and mung bean, should be avoided because they may contain disease-causing bacteria. Make sure to thoroughly cook the sprouts.

Avoid Herbal Tea
Unless your health care provider says it's OK, avoid drinking herbal tea — even herbal tea marketed specifically for pregnant women.

Merry Gold is the best gynaecology hospital, providing a full range of women's health care pregnancy services. Hysterectomy, pap smear, colposcopy, endometriosis, fibroids, urinary incontinence, infections (UTI, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease), prolapse, premenstrual syndrome, contraception, and HPV vaccine are some treatments for female health issues.

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Merrygold Health Network

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Merrygold Health Network
Joined: July 22nd, 2022
Articles Posted: 3

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