15 Secrets You Didn't Know About Web Hosting

Posted by dovope alan on October 5th, 2022

Do you want to buy web hosting? It's okay. There are many web hosting providers on the market today. All of them are obviously popular while surviving in this competitive world.
But as a customer, we always find the best. Finding the best is no easy task, especially for a web hosting company these days. If you search for topics, you will get various sources here and there.
Therefore, no one can tell you which hosting company is the best because you have the common sense to make the decision yourself. Yes! In this article, I will share the 15 most important facts to consider before buying web hosting.
Then you will make the decision which one is better than the other. Let's start with the arguments.
What should be considered before buying web hosting?
There are several factors to consider before buying the desired hosting. Here, we will cover almost 15 points that you need to know before buying hosting for your website.

1. SSD or HDD storage

The first thing about a website is its loading and processing speed. And it directly depends on the type of storage of your web hosting server. The SSD stores data in flash memory, which enables fast loading and processing of data on the backend.
On the other hand, the hard drive stores data using moving or spinning disks that slow down the loading and processing speed. In most cases, your hosting server's HDD storage is likely to slow down your website more than 2-3 times than SSD storage.
Therefore, SSD storage is always better than HDD for hosting your website. If you are a WordPress user, all you need to do is follow a few steps to speed up your website.

2. Archive to disk

This means the storage capacity of your purchased web hosting. Some hosting companies offer unlimited storage while others offer limited storage of 1GB, 2GB, 3GB... and so on.
Now you need to think about the website you want to launch. Need more storage space? If the answer is yes, you must purchase unlimited storage.
But you have to keep in mind that unlimited storage is not an infinite capacity of your hosting. It also has a limit. Irresponsible use of storage space may result in a financial penalty for you or being told to upgrade your plan.
For this, it is best to choose limited storage space for your website, unless you are planning to launch any type of website or a larger e-commerce site.
Therefore, choose your web hosting storage plan considering the type of website.

3. Type of web hosting

You may have heard of different types of web hosting these days. Typically, a hosting company provides shared, VPS, cloud, and dedicated hosting services.
The 4 main types of web hosting

• Shared hosting
• VPS Hosting
• Cloud hosting
• Dedicated hosting

shared web hosting

A shared web hosting is the basic and cheap hosting plan where multiple websites are active on one server.
Since multiple websites share a server, your site may be hindering or slowing down others' traffic. But it is the first choice for a beginner who wants to start a small website.

VPS web hosting

VPS (Virtual Privet Server) is just one step up from a shared web hosting server. Here you also share a server but your side is separate from the others. For a medium business or e-commerce site, you can choose it.

cloud hosting

Cloud web hosting refers to a series of interconnected structures. Here, your website is not under a specific server and thus if a server needs to be fixed, your website remains unchanged.
It is more expensive and unnecessary for beginners or small website owners.

dedicated web hosting

Dedicated web hosting is buying an entire server for your website. It's just for the bigger business site where you need more traffic and more security. It is the most expensive type of hosting for a website.

4. Your website type

Another important factor before buying hosting is the type of website you want to start. Is it a simple portfolio or blog site or a larger business website?
For a single small site, shared hosting may be the right choice. But the bigger your website is, the more you'll prefer an upgraded plan.

So, at first think about your website’s type before buying a hosting for your website.

5. Bandwidth of your web hosting

Bandwidth refers to the speed of data transfer between your site and the user. The higher the bandwidth of your web hosting, the better the user experience.
Although most hosting companies provide enough bandwidth for a small website, it becomes a given for a larger one.
So if possible we should choose unlimited bandwidth when we want to buy web hosting.

6. Web Hosting Renewal Cost

Typically, the renewal cost is slightly higher than the initial purchase cost. But we should avoid those web hosting companies that charge additional fees for renewal. It is worth considering if you are a new hosting customer.

7. Security and SSL they provide

A hosting company's SSL or TLS is a digital certificate that encrypts your traffic, verifies the identity of the server, and enables https instead of http in your website's address bar.
SSL is a must for a website, especially for e-commerce or otherwise, where sensitive data such as credit card information, important calendar, etc. is being transferred.
Prevents hacking of your sensitive data. Many web hosting providers offer SSL for free with their hosting service, and others charge some fees for it. Therefore, you should consider this before purchasing hosting for your website.

8. Customer service

Almost all web hosting companies provide an email or ticket type support system which is by no means an instant service. What if you have a serious problem with your accommodation and need immediate assistance? Therefore, you should choose one that has a 24/7 call center.
Some of the other support services considered by a hosting provider are relocation support, uptime guarantee, instant activation, etc.

9. Location of web hosting data centers

The location of the data center should be as close as possible to the targeted visitors. This will increase the loading speed and interaction of your website. Today, many web hosting providers offer a free content delivery network (CDN) to address this.
So, if you can't find a server near your target visitors, it would be a great option for you to choose a host that offers a free CDN.

10. Backup service

Most web hosting providers offer a free backup service and some charge a small fee. This is also another worrying fact about launching your website.
With a backup system, you can recover your lost data very easily. Although you can do this by using a plugin on your wordpress site, it is preferable if your web host offers one.

11. Number of subdomains and additional domains

A subdomain is another web address of your web host with its own content, such as example.yourdomain.com, example2.yourdomain.com, etc. In this case, it is not necessary to register an additional domain name to create another website.
But in the case of an addon domain, you need to register your new domain which will use the same web hosting server as you. So if you want to start another website as another .com domain on the same hosting, you can.
For this, before you buy it, you need to know the number of additional domains and subdomains that your hosting plan supports.

12. Percentage of availability and unavailability

This is an important metric for your web host to know about the quality of their service. It shows the operational and non-operative time of the web hosting in percentage thanks to which you can easily know its availability.
You should not believe what they say, instead you can use a third party website to calculate it, like isitwp, host tracker, etc.

13. Hosting Upgrade Options

You should also consider your upgrade options and cost. Because today you may be a beginner but after a day your site can attract more visitors and you can also add more services to your website.
Therefore, you need to upgrade your web hosting plan to a better one. You should then see details about your hosting provider's upgrade options.

14. Application Installation

Nowadays, the most popular CMS to create your website is wordpress. Almost all web hosting providers offer the option to install it with a single click.
But if you want to use another content management system, you need to know the details of the hosting provider before proceeding. Therefore, never fail to see the details about your application's installation features before purchasing a hosting plan for your website.

15. Customer Reviews

Customer reviews are the final and most effective way to know the quality of your web host. Customer reviews give us an overview to go further.
One can easily determine their limitations and empowerments by looking at their customer reviews.
Here, many of their clients like you have expressed their opinion about the quality of their service. Therefore, it can be a better and more useful way to get to know your web host.
I hope this article will be very helpful for you to choose your specific web hosting. I have covered almost everything here. Now let's see a list of some of the best web hosting providers.

List of the best web hosting providers

Here I have compiled the list based on my personal experience and an internet source. In fact, they are the best web hosts in the world today.


Ghosted has been in the web hosting industry since 1998 and is powered by Mixcat Interactive Network. We have strategic partnerships with premium Tier 1 and Tier 2 data centers around the world to offer the best value for money and performance.


WP Engine is a very powerful hosting provider. They provide different types of hosting services.


Cloudways, another popular hosting provider. Cloudways offers excellent customer support with helpful resources like guides, emails, newsletters, and more. You can get started with Cloudways without thinking again.

cheap name

There are very few people who are not aware of this very popular domain name and hosting provider. Namecheap is really good at instant customer support.
blue guest
Bluehost is a leading web hosting provider that offers a wide variety of hosting services. They provide different types of hosting services starting at .95 per month.
A very popular feature of Hostinger is that they offer a bigger discount when a customer buys a plan from them. So, don't delay in having lunch at the wordpress site of your dreams with 90% discount at Hostinger.
Hostgator is also not behind anyone, as I said before. They provide different types of hosting services with great speed and engaging customer support.
green geeks
GreenGeeks is the friendliest web hosting provider. GreenGeeks is the web hosting provider looking to change the carbon footprint of their website by using a renewable energy source.
liquid canvas
Liquid Web is also known for its deep discounts at different times. You can try Liquid Web for your WordPress or other web hosting.
sending blue
Not only for the client but also for your partner, Sendinblue is a great option for you. Their excellent customer support and variety of hosting services may appeal to you.

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dovope alan

About the Author

dovope alan
Joined: October 5th, 2022
Articles Posted: 1