When Period Pain Is The Result Of A Serious Condition?

Posted by Daryl Webb on October 20th, 2022

Why do women suffer from cramps while they're supposed to be menstruating? At some point in their lives, this is a question that almost all women wonder about. Mild cramps, bloating, and irritation, although annoying, seem to be common around that time of the month. However, severe cramping, blood loss, extreme exhaustion, and other period-related symptoms that negatively impact your daily life are not. Menstrual cramps are moderate to severe pain in the abdomen that occurs during the first 24 hours of your cycle and lasts for days and might require period pain treatment.  

Period Pain Symptoms Include: 

  • A dull, persistent pain. 

  • Leg and lower back pain associated with menstruation. 

  • Period pains that throb or cramp the uterus. 

  • Dizziness and headache. 

  • Nausea and/or diarrhoea 

Why Do Women Get Cramps Every Month?  

In most cases, the increased synthesis of prostaglandins—hormones generated by the uterus that cause it to contract—is to blame for "primary dysmenorrhea," or the kind of heavy, painful periods most women experience. Tensive uterine contractions interrupt the flow of blood to the uterus for a short time, depriving the uterine muscle of oxygen and setting in motion the painful cycle of monthly cramps. Research suggests that labour contractions are more intense for women who have severe menstrual cramps. 

Certain illnesses, such as endometriosis and pelvic inflammatory disease, are linked to menstrual cramps, as stated by Well Women Clinic. Infertility is a known side effect of endometriosis. Scarring of the fallopian tubes caused by pelvic inflammatory disease raises the probability of an ectopic pregnancy, in which the fertilised egg implants in a place other than the uterus. IUD usage, uterine fibroids, and STDs are further causes for concern. 

Heavy, painful periods may be an indication of a more severe health issue, so if your periods are very painful, you should see a doctor and get treatment for heavy, painful periods. The most common causes of unpleasant menstrual cramps are listed below. 

Endometriosis: Menstrual Pain & Heavy Bleeding 

Endometriosis is a gynaecological disorder characterised by the presence of endometrium-like tissue in locations outside of the uterus, such as the ovaries, fallopian tubes, bladder, pelvic floor, and, in extreme instances, the colon, diaphragm, liver, lungs, and brain. 

Extreme pelvic discomfort is often the result of untreated endometriosis, which may cause adhesions, persistent inflammation, chocolate cysts (cysts filled with blood), and internal bleeding. Period discomfort that doesn't go away is only one symptom of endometriosis. Not to be confused with irritable bowel syndrome, many women also suffer back pain and other gastrointestinal problems and require period pain treatment. 

Adenomyosis: Discomforting Cramps And Sexual Dysfunction 

Like endometriosis, adenomyosis occurs when the endometrium implants itself into the uterine muscle rather than outside of it. The uterus of a woman with adenomyosis contracts and swells like a sprained muscle. Adenomyosis manifests itself by the presence of unpleasant core cramps and painful intercourse, the latter of which may continue to sting for up to two days after the fact. Women over the age of 30 who have previously had children are at increased risk for developing adenomyosis. However, cases have also been reported in young adults. 

Many medical professionals will first recommend birth control as a therapy for severe period cramps. This helps restore hormonal equilibrium, which may result in significantly reduced cramp discomfort or, in some circumstances, full relief. Using birth control might be a straightforward solution to your monthly cycle woes. For more information on treatment for heavy painful periods, contact Well Women Clinic! 


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Daryl Webb

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Daryl Webb
Joined: October 20th, 2022
Articles Posted: 2

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