CrankWheel Review - Share Your Screen To Any Device Or Browse

Posted by Rojain on December 11th, 2022


Sharing your screen can increase your credibility compared to rivals. Thank you for visiting the CrankWheel review.

Do you find it challenging to schedule meetings, share a screen, or show specific items on the screen? For example, do you find it challenging to show consumers demos on your screen while closing sales?

Due to a lack of client demos and screen sharing in sales speeches, most organizations need help to increase their sales. However, even sharing screens with prospects to view presentations in real-time is beyond their comprehension.

During sales calls, a program allows you to share your screen with any device or browser. Additionally, after the trial, automatically reroute visitors to landing pages that ask for evaluations, promote services, or gather sign-ups. The viewer does not require any downloads or installation.

Imagine having thousands of clients at once attend your presentation, where you may showcase your business and sell them goods or services. And monthly payments are not required.

When presenting and demonstrating products in real-time, my friend Carle became agitated since he couldn't draw in clients. Because his clients began switching to his competition, his business curve declined. He tried many different kinds of software and wasted a lot of time and money, but nothing worked. Finally, he gave up and considered being quiet. However, he now makes millions.

All you can accomplish is using the simple-to-connect screen-sharing platform *CrankWheel*. This lets you quickly provide an engaging demo by sharing your screen during a call.

A link can also be sent via email or SMS and the recipient can access it in any browser without having to download anything. Learn more about this platform in this review of CrankWheel. Let's begin.

What Is CrankWheel? And How Does It Work?

For sales teams, CrankWheel is a screen-sharing solution that runs in any browser on PCs and mobile devices. Sales teams may use Crankwheel to communicate with prospects by providing them a link via SMS or email that they can visit in any browser without downloading anything. Conference calls and screen sharing are also available, with the option to call local numbers in around 72 countries.

The live preview feature also shows consumers' current attention status, any delays they could be facing, and their ability to take corrective action. Additionally, it functions on a Mac, PC, iOS, Android, Web Explorer, and a low-end smartphone. So no matter their technical expertise or chosen device level, each prospective customer may effortlessly share their screen with more than 50,000 Chrome Extension users!

Using Crankwheel, managers may schedule meetings, keep an eye on willing or unresponsive clients, and display certain information on the screen. In addition, CrankWheel enables team leaders to provide their staff members with role-based rights, gain insight into the effectiveness of their teams, and review audit records. In order to connect with website-generated leads, operators can also include conversational lead capture forms and "call me now or request a demo" CTA buttons on websites.

CrankWheel Review Pros And Cons

In this part of the CrankWheel Review, I share the Pros and cons of this software. That will help you to get more information about this software. And you can make a better decision for your business. 


  • Very user-friendly dashboard with beautiful UIUX

  • You get very quick and responsive email and text support.

  • Provide unlimited training or tutorial videos.

  • It comes with a free version. Also, you get a free trial 

  • It comes with a chrome extension and mobile app

  • You can confidently use this tool with low network connectivity.

  • Come with API, and you can integrate this tool with other platforms. 

  • Remote control for sales and customer success

  • You can track the viewer's mouse movements in real time.

  • CrankWheel makes it easy to add high-quality visuals to any call instantly.


  • There was a problem with UX because sometimes the color changed automatically.

  • Once you use it for a long time, you can feel the lag. 

  • I don't know if it is a problem with my device or the software. Sometimes the clients don't receive the connection link and have to type in the link in the browser bar.

  • The monthly pricing is slightly costly but comes with an AppSumo lifetime deal. 

  • No more bad things I found. But you could CLICK HERE to know more.

How Does CrankWheel Help You To Grow Your Business?

The required downloads, meeting codes, and complex configurations must all be finished before you can start screen sharing with anyone. If users stop interacting with the screen, you can notify them by tracking their mouse movements in real time. You can expand your business more quickly as a result.

Chrome extension

To share your screen instantly with customers, you must install the CrankWheel chrome extension. To download the chrome extension, go to the chrome store and search chrome extension, then click the add to chrome button. 

Screen sharing 

First, you have to click the CrankWheel chrome extension here; you can choose your display capture sizes or styles like browser tab, program window, and full screen. I would like you to choose one of them. I will select the program tab here. 

Once you click here, you get an option to select a browser. For example, do you want to select only a crankwheel display or chrome? I will choose chrome here and click the share button. 

Here first, you can see the start of recording this season. Once you click here, your screen record video will start, but above, you can see more options like a webcam; you can add your webcam to your screen recording. In the middle, you have a chance to use your webcam. Also, you can control your video exposure. 

Here you can send a link to your customer or a private invitation. First, you get the option to invite them through SMS. Then, you must write down your viewer's phone number and send an SMS instantly. 

Now here you get another option to invite them through email. All you have to do is add your viewer email ID and click the send button. In a while, your joining email will be sent through CrankWhile. 

But if you want to invite your customer or viewer in bulk, then you can share them joining links. Simply copy the URL and post it over your auto-responder or email marketing tool. And you can send bulk SMS through your nearby SMS service provider. Then, after you finish all your work, click the start recording. 


Once you copy your screen share link and paste it into another window, you can see some extra options. 

Here you can see how many members join your video and get an option to add more viewers. You can start recording from here. 

Below, you see another option to change your display sharing option. Click the action button and choose your video-sharing display. I will choose the demo here. 

How Do You Become Benefited Using CrankWheel?

With CrankWheel, you can add a call-to-action button to your website, allowing salespeople to call potential customers as soon as they submit a contact form. Include personalized conversational forms and videos on your website or in sales emails to differentiate yourself from the competition. That might be advantageous for your company.


You can see all your recorded videos once you click the sharing button. You can manually select it from here to edit. Also, you can upload videos. You can edit your video and share it with your customers. 


Here, you can see all your videos. First, pick a video. Then, you can see more options like changing the video title, sharing, downloading, and deleting options. Below you get more features like allowing video sharing for me. If you check it, your video automatically shares by CrankWheel. Also, you can check it for the company projector. In addition, you have another option to allow video sarong for the company. 


From here, you can manage your ongoing shared video. Once you change anything in your shares, click the video. 

After coming to the video-sharing page, you can add a segment. You can choose a segment from the options, but if you want to add a new segment, simply click add new and write down your segment name. 

After that, you can see the copy-share link. Click the copy share to share your recording video with a particular customer. Here you get an option to copy the shareable link. And you can copy the link and manually share it with your customers. So with one link, your customer can access your video. Also, you can copy the email template; that's a fantastic feature of this tool.

How Can You Double Your Income Using CrankWheel?

You may direct potential consumers to landing pages with CrankWheel that can upsell services, gather reviews, or even encourage sign-ups. That enables you to increase your income. CrankWheel offers a variety of revenue streams. You will receive significant commissions from their affiliate marketing. To sign up as an affiliate marketer, click here.

Instant demos 

Instant Demos are a way to embed a conversational lead capture form on your website, where prospective customers can click a button to request a phone call and a visual demonstration when needed. To enable demos, click the Allow button. 

After you come to the second page here, you can see an option to select agents who receive the demo request. 

And last, you get options to choose a language and a template. Here you get multiple demo templates to choose whatever template you prefer. After that, click the enable now button. 

Once you finish your job here, you can see JavaScript. You can follow the instructions to add this code. But copy the code and paste it into your website lead collection button or a particular landing page button. Click Here for complete instructions. After that, click the instant configuration button. 

Interactive editor, just put down your viewer's phone number and connect with them in a demo. 

Messages editor, here you can change your message, call to action, headline, and more. It is a lead generation form where you can collect leads from your customers. Customize your layout as you want. If I see everything, this review is 10,000 words, and you will feel bored. 

Choose a template; from here, you can select a template below to see its description before you choose whether to apply it. But before selecting your language, I will recommend you choose all languages. Then, finish all your work, and click the publish changes.

How Does CrankWheel Differ From Alternative Tools?

Any browser or device may use CrankWheel to quickly and easily add high-quality visuals to any call. That is what makes this tool special. Additionally, CrankWheel resolves connectivity issues so that you never have to be concerned about missed calls or lost leads.


From here, you can change user management. For example, you can add a new member to access your dashboard. Also, you can do company settings, instant demos, post meetings URLs, and API access. 

User management: You can add members to manage our account here. You can import contracts, so you don't need to add members manually. Simply click the add new members and put down your user email address. Then, click the export button to export the contract and select your file. It's so easy to add members to your accounts.  

Company setting: Here, first, you can add the company name. And now you can see a fantastic feature to add a website URL redirect to this webpage after each meeting, or you can include {{email}} in the URL. It will be replaced with the agent's email. Add your URL or email. Finally, you can add a link to collect leads. 

Below you can see more options as you can change the public links. After that, you can choose the language from here and select the server location. Finally, as said here, you can change your SMS sender name. If you don't change the name, a customer can show an SMS with the CrankWheel name, but if you write down your name, the customer gets an SMS with your name. 

After that, you can change the email subject so that customers don't need to adjust your email subject manually. In addition, you can add a custom email body so that customers quickly understand your email's motive. And you don't need to write an email manually. Finally, you can add a custom phone conferencing check button. Once you finish all of your work, click the submit button. 

Post Meetings URLs

The URLs agents may select from during a meeting to send their viewer(s) to after the meeting are specified below. Viewers are directed to your account's default post-meeting URL if no URL is selected during the session. You can edit the post-meeting URL by clicking the edit button or creating a new post-meeting URL. Click create new and paste the meeting link that you created.

CrankWheel Review Unique And Useful Features

Here in this CrankWheel Review, I discuss high-ticket features that help you know the critical component of the idle screen-sharing platform.

  • Screen sharing with up to 300 viewers

  • Share recordings in-session or by email

  • User management

  • Company setting

  • Instant demos

  • Post meetings URLs

  • Massage

  • Usage reports

  • API Access

  • Zapier integration

  • Video retention period of 6 months

  • Video downloads

What Are The Actual Reasons For Using CrankWheel?

Get a real-time summary of what the viewer sees so you can fix any problems and maintain the audience's interest. Additionally, you will be able to collect leads in your own CRM and retarget them with upcoming offers, thanks to CrankWheel's integrations. There are several reasons for using this software.


Here you get all your reports like usage overview, screen sharing usage, and instant demo usages that help you to give more data and make a decision more efficiently. 

Usage overview: Here, you get complete usage details like screen sharing details, video sharing metrics, instant demo metrics, active agents, Meetings, all including unconnected, Minutes, exact (including all meetings), and a lot more. All information helps you to make decisions easily and quickly. 

Screen sharing details: This feature helps you to give reports on all of your screen sharing details, like all of the meetings you created, the total duration of your webcam, and the total P2P. After that, you can see all your sessions, and if you want, you can download all the reports. 

Instant demo usages: In this part, you see the complete details of your instant demos. Here you can see all your requests, headline requests calls confirmed, screen shares, handle within ⅕ minutes, calls within ⅕ minutes, and more so that you can monitor the customer user experience with your service. That helps you to improve your service quality, and also you can download the report.

Why is it recommended for your business?

The ease of use of CrankWheel is the primary factor. You will be able to use it even if you are not tech-savvy. The second justification is the low cost. To use this program, there are no monthly fees required. It is effective and valuable for practical wish to begin their adventure. If you use it appropriately, you'll be able to reap a lot of rewards.

API Access

With the help of the API key, you can automate your workflow. You can connect this tool with Zapier with its API. To create a new API, simply click the button below the new API. In the meantime, your API is created by this tool. Just copy the code and use it to automate your workflow.

Help center: Once you click the help center, you will simply redirect to the FAQs page, where you will get many answers to your questions. Further, if you have more questions, you can contact them. 

Support: The best support system provides no questions asked. I got my reply within 5 minutes, and they were ready to provide me with the agency license for free. That's great! Support 10/10, no questions asked.  

User: In the user option, you can make minor changes like your name, headline, and instant demo phone number and check to receive an SMS message when a new request comes in.

Why Must You Need To Purchase CrankWheel Now?

There are numerous benefits to purchasing this tool. However, the required downloads, meeting codes, and complex configurations must all be finished before you can start screen sharing with anyone.

Include personalized conversational forms and videos on your website or in sales emails to differentiate yourself from the competition. Then, direct potential consumers to landing pages with CrankWheel that can upsell services, gather reviews, or even encourage sign-ups.

Which would you choose: a one-time payment or a monthly payment? Make a single payment rather than a monthly one. You must pay $$$ both yearly and monthly if you choose the CrankWheel monthly bundle. Although it appears expensive, you can get lifetime access to CrankWheel for if you purchase the APPSumo lifetime offer immediately. It could be a great chance to buy this fantastic offer.

After this transaction is completed, you must pay 0. You do, however, have a 60-day money-back guarantee from APPSumo for any reason. Furthermore, every CrankWheel APPSumo package includes lifetime updates and other great benefits, which is terrific. Therefore, it would be best if you hurry before the deal closes. So buy the CrankWheel now, and you will remember me forever for offering you this deal.

CrankWheel APPSumo Deal Pricing

All features above included

One user

900 total recording plays per month

Unlimited meetings

Upload company logo

Price Starts at

Click Here to Get a Discount


In conclusion, CrankWheel might be the ideal option if you're seeking software to instantly share your screen with any device or browser without downloading or setting anything up. Because CrankWheel lets you quickly provide an engaging demo on a call using your shared screen.

Join us if you find this "CrankWheel Review" useful. In addition, you can check here for regular updates on digital goods. Finally, contact me if you need assistance or have any issues. I'm always willing to assist you with any problems you may have. My friend, you have my best wishes at all times. However, I hope you soon experience tremendous success; my best wishes, ROJAIN.

SEEK GOD'S BLESSINGS AND BE HAPPY. And I appreciate you buying from me.

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Joined: July 26th, 2022
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