Tiledesk Review LTD - A Revolutionary Customer Support Solution

Posted by Rojain on May 29th, 2023

Customer service is the golden key in business, unlocking the door to long-lasting relationships and unparalleled success. Hi, welcome to the Tiledesk review

Can improved customer service increase website traffic and enhance customer? 

According to a study by Kayako, 79% of customers prefer live chat because it provides immediate responses. According to a study by Forrester, live chat can increase the average order value by 10% or more.

Retention? Do you need help providing excellent customer service via live chat for your business or website?

How can a tool offer a no-code chatbot builder to construct live chat for a website and help generate more leads and retain customers across all digital channels?

Customers expect quick and convenient support options. With live chat, customers may experience timely responses to their questions. When real-time support is challenging to access, customer satisfaction may decrease.

Customers receive instant, real-time support via live chat, increasing their likelihood of returning. You can analyze chat transcripts to identify customer issues, gather feedback, and better understand customer pain points. Live chat can significantly reduce customer service costs versus phone support.

You can see the value of utilizing Live chat customer service. Using Tiledesk Live Chat, you can integrate AI-powered chatbots into your customer service workflow. Chatbots can handle common questions, provide automated responses, and perform essential duties. This Tiledesk review provides additional information.

What Is Tiledesk? And How Does It Work?   

TileDesk is an adaptable help desk application to streamline customer service and ticket management processes. It is a centralized platform that enables companies to manage consumer inquiries, complaints, and requests efficiently.

TileDesk enables businesses to provide superior customer service and increase customer satisfaction overall. TileDesk's ticketing system enables the systematic and organized creation, tracking, and resolution of customer tickets.

The capacity of TileDesk to automatically assign and route tickets. It intelligently gives access to the appropriate agents or teams based on predefined rules. It ensures customer complaints reach the right individual or department for prompt resolution.

Additionally, the email integration of TileDesk allows you to submit tickets via email. TileDesk provides communication tools for internal use. Using an integrated messaging system, and you can communicate, share information, and collaborate to resolve complex issues.

In addition, TileDesk offers extensive reporting and analytics tools for gaining insight into customer support performance. You can access detailed reports on key metrics such as the volume of inquiries, response times, resolution rates, and customer satisfaction ratings.

Moreover, TileDesk provides numerous customization options. It enables businesses to define custom ticket fields, statuses, and priorities under their unique workflows.

Tiledesk Review Pros And Cons 

Tiledesk Review In this part, I share the Pros and cons of this software. That will help you to get more information about this software. And you can make a better decision for your business. 


  • It has a very user-friendly dashboard with beautiful UIUX.

  • Provide Email/Help Desk, FAQs, and chat support.

  • Provide unlimited training or tutorial videos.

  • This tool gives you multiple language and payment options.

  • This tool provides an API integration option to connect this tool with other platforms.

  • You can choose when and where your chatbot will appear only on the homepage or individual page. 

  • You can create unique messages for every page.

  • It lets you create forms and sync lead data to your CRM.

  • This tool also allows you to email your team about new leads.

  • Tiledesk enables you to supplement live support with chatbots to manage your support tickets.


  • You see an annoying error once you try to see the live chat on the Tiledest dashboard.

  • This tool provides limited customization options. 

  • Looking for the pricing plan, it's too expensive for small business owners. But the good thing is that Tiledesk comes with a lifetime deal price. 

  • No more bad things I found. And I'm delighted with this tool. Click Tiledesk Review to find more cons.

How Does Tiledesk Help You To Grow Your Business? 

👉 Tiledesk is an all-inclusive customer support platform that enables you to communicate with your customers via multiple channels, such as live chat, email, and social media. This facilitates the expansion of your business by enhancing the user experience.


Using artificial intelligence (AI), Tiledesk Bots creates intelligent and interactive chatbots. Without human intervention, these chatbots can comprehend and respond to customer inquiries, provide information, and perform routine tasks.

Tiledesk Bots enables you to design and modify your chatbots' conversational flow. It is possible to define conversational paths, establish decision points, and create an interactive dialogue using a visual flow builder.

Bots Templates

The Bots Template feature of Tiledesk enables rapid deployment of pre-designed chatbot templates for various use cases. These templates serve as the basis for chatbot conversation construction.

You can modify it to meet particular business needs. In addition, you can save time and effort when developing chatbots from scratch by utilizing pre-built, purpose-specific conversational flows.

Create from Scratch

By clicking the create from a scratch button, you will be redirected to a page where you can create a chatbot workflow from the ground up.

Blocks (h5)

The Tiledesk Blocks feature allows you to create and manage reusable content blocks for chatbot conversations. These blocks are predefined sections of text, images, buttons, and other interactive elements that can be inserted quickly into chatbot conversations. The Blocks feature expedites chatbot development, ensures consistent messaging, and improves the user experience.


Tiledesk's Fulfillment feature enables the integration of chatbot conversations with external systems and services. It enables chatbot integration with backend databases, APIs, and third-party applications.

You can also retrieve and modify data, execute actions, and initiate operations. The Fulfillment feature allows you to create dynamic chatbot experiences by leveraging the capabilities of external systems and services.


The Tiledesk Rules feature allows you to orchestrate actions and workflows within chatbot conversations based on predefined conditions. You can configure rules to activate particular actions or responses in response to user input, time-based events, or other criteria.

Rules allow for the customization of chatbot interactions. Additionally, direct conversations with the appropriate teams and agents streamline client engagement processes.


You can add an image to your chatbot with the help of a general setting. You can change the name and description of your chatbot. Additionally, this tool allows you to select your preferred language.

How Do You Become Benefited Using Tiledesk?

Tiledesk's reporting and analytics capabilities provide valuable insights into customer behavior, agent performance, and overall support metrics.

To optimize your customer support strategies, you can identify trends, pinpoint improvement areas, and make data-based decisions.


Tiledesk Analytics provides extensive metrics and insights regarding customer support operations. This feature allows for monitoring and analyzing key performance indicators (KPIs) to gain valuable insights.

This metric provides information on the total number of conversations the support team handles during a specified time period. This metric enables you to comprehend the number of customer interactions and track trends over time.

Response Time: You can analyze the average time it takes for your support team to respond to user inquiries. This metric is essential for evaluating the efficiency and speed of customer service.

Resolution Time: Using Tiledesk Analytics, you can track the average time required to resolve customer issues or inquiries. This metric measures the effectiveness of the support team in resolving customer issues.

Customer Satisfaction (CSAT): Businesses can measure customer satisfaction by soliciting feedback after a support interaction. Tiledesk Analytics provides insight into CSAT scores, allowing businesses to gauge how well they meet customer expectations.

Businesses can evaluate the performance of individual support agents by analyzing metrics such as response time, resolution time, customer satisfaction ratings, and volume of conversations.

Businesses can evaluate the efficacy of various support channels like live chat, email, and social media. This analysis aids in identifying consumers' preferred channels.

How Can You Double Your Income Using Tiledesk?

You can increase conversion rates and sales by reaching customers with relevant offers most effectively.

You can earn additional income by recommending this tool to friends and family. You can also create an affiliate account through my link to promote the Tiledesk Appsumo deal. Appsumo Affiliate.


Tiledesk Chat is an integral part of the customer engagement platform Tiledesk. Live messaging functionality enables businesses to engage in real-time customer conversations. It provides a messaging interface allowing immediate interaction and response, facilitating effective and efficient communication.


Using Tiledesk Conversation, businesses can communicate with customers via their preferred channels. This ensures a consistent and seamless consumer experience across all channels. Tiledesk Conversation provides businesses with a centralized inbox to view, prioritize, and respond to customer communications from multiple channels.

Create Ticket

Tiledesk's Create Ticket feature enables efficient management and tracking of customer questions and issues. This feature lets you create tickets from multiple communication channels, including live chat, email, social media, and messaging applications.

You can organize, prioritize, and assign tickets for the resolution to the appropriate team members. In addition, it streamlines customer service operations, improves response times, and addresses customer concerns effectively.

Contact List

Tiledesk Contact List enables the storage and management of consumer data, such as names, email addresses, phone numbers, and other pertinent information. Contact List provides quick access to consumer data, communication history tracking, and up-to-date records.

Additionally, it facilitates the delivery of personalized customer experiences, the simplification of communication, and the development of solid customer relationships.


You can link your Tiledesk account to third-party applications such as WhatsApp, Messenger, and the help center using the app store. Additionally, you can create a new app based on your needs.

Whatapp Business

Tiledesk's WhatsApp Business feature enables the integration of WhatsApp into customer service and communication workflows. With Tiledesk, you can connect a WhatsApp Business account and communicate with customers using its features.

This integration enables you to provide real-time support, respond to inquiries, and interact with your audience via the popular messaging platform. Tiledesk offers guides and resources to help users install and configure the WhatsApp Business integration.


The Messenger feature of Tiledesk enables you to communicate with customers via a unified platform. In addition, you can centralize customer service by managing conversations from multiple channels, such as website chat, mobile applications, and social media platforms. Messenger provides real-time messaging capabilities, enabling you to engage in interactive and personalized conversations with consumers.


Tiledesk External enables the integrating of external systems and services with the Tiledesk platform. Existing applications, databases, and third-party tools can be linked.

It enhances the functionality and capabilities of your customer service operations. This feature permits data integration and exchange between Tiledesk and external systems. In addition, you can utilize your existing infrastructure and resources.

How Does Tiledesk Differ From Alternative Tools? 

Tiledesk is an open-source platform, meaning the source code can be accessed without restriction. Tiledesk has an active and supportive community of developers and users who contribute to its growth and development.


The Tiledesk Monitor feature provides real-time insights and analytics for evaluating customer interactions. It offers a real-time dashboard, agent performance monitoring, conversation labeling, historical data analysis, real-time notifications, customizable reporting, and team collaboration capabilities.

You can monitor chat conversations, evaluate agent productivity, analyze customer behavior, and make data-driven decisions to improve support operations.

View on map

The View on Map feature enables you to visualize the locations of your customers and agents on a map interface. This is advantageous for businesses with geographically dispersed customers or remote support teams. It enables you to comprehend geographic engagement patterns.

Advanced search

Tiledesk's Advanced Search feature allows you to conduct detailed and specific searches of your customer conversations and support tickets. It provides sophisticated filtering options based on various criteria, such as keywords, timeframes, customer information, tags, etc. This feature enables organizations to quickly locate specific conversations, retrieve pertinent information, and gain insights for analysis or reference.

Create Ticket

Tiledesk's Create Ticket feature enables efficient management and tracking of customer questions and issues. This feature lets you create tickets from multiple communication channels, including live chat, email, social media, and messaging applications.

You can organize, prioritize, and assign tickets for the resolution to the appropriate team members. In addition, it streamlines customer service operations, improves response times, and addresses customer concerns effectively.


The Tiledesk Contact feature is an all-encompassing application for managing and organizing customer contacts. Tiledesk provides a centralized database for businesses to store and collect customer contact information.

This includes names, email addresses, phone numbers, and other relevant data. Additionally, existing contact lists and databases can be imported into the platform. The elimination of data entry by hand saves time and effort.

Additionally, organizations can export their contact lists for external use from Tiledesk. Tiledesk permits the storage of additional contact details and notes. This can include information regarding previous interactions, preferences, and other pertinent details.

Tiledesk's Unique And Useful Features

In this Tiledesk review, I discuss high-ticket features that help you know the critical component of an idle stock image platform.

  • Chat

  • Bots

  • Templates

  • Monitor

  • Contacts

  • Apps

  • Analytics

  • Widget

  • Installation

  • Email

  • Tags

  • Notification

Tiledesk Review APPSumo Deal Feature  

In this Tiledesk Review, I share some crucial Tiledesk APPSumo deal features that help you know what the APPSumo marketplace offers. 

  • Lifetime access to Tiledesk

  • All future Growth (Tier 1 and Tier 2) or Scale (Tier 3 and Tier 4) Plan updates

  • If the Plan name changes, the deal will be mapped to the new Plan name with all accompanying updates

  • No codes, no stacking—choose the plan that's right for you

  • You must activate your license within 60 days of purchase

  • Ability to upgrade or downgrade between 4 license tiers

  • GDPR compliant

  • Only for new Tiledesk users who do not have existing accounts

  • 60 days money back guarantee for any reasons

What Are The Actual Reasons For Using Tiledesk?

Tiledesk integrates seamlessly with popular applications and platforms, including CRM systems, help desk software, and collaboration tools.

Integrating Tiledesk into your current business ecosystem allows you to centralize customer data, expedite workflows, and enhance team collaboration.


Tiledesk's Setting feature provides businesses with extensive configuration and personalization options for their customer support environment. Let's examine each segment separately.


Tiledesk's Widget feature permits the incorporation of a live chat widget into a website or application. It appears as a chat window, enabling real-time communication between customers and support agents.

It supports multiple communication channels, incorporates chatbot functionality, and enables the sharing of files and images during chat conversations.


The Tiledesk Installation feature makes installation and configuration of the platform simple. It provides numerous installation options, including Docker Compose deployment products and online account creation. After a simple installation process, the Tiledesk Dashboard can be accessed through a web browser.

Routing And Depts

The Tiledesk Routing and Departments feature aims to optimize the distribution and administration of incoming messages and conversations. It provides sophisticated routing capabilities to ensure that chats are routed to the most appropriate agents or teams according to predefined rules or criteria.

This feature effectively manages high chat volumes by distributing chats independently. You can optimize messaging operations, reduce response times, and boost customer satisfaction.


The Email feature of Tiled

esk enables you to manage consumer email inquiries, feedback, and support requests on the Tiledesk platform. It permits the creation of email addresses associated with specific departments or teams.

Automatically converting incoming customer emails into tickets ensures centralized management and efficient tracking. You can assign tickets, add tags, set deadlines, and coordinate with teammates to ensure prompt responses.

Canned Responses

Canned Responses is a Tiledesk feature that allows you to save and use predefined responses to common customer questions. You can create a database of pre-written responses to commonly asked questions and standard operating procedures.

Agents can quickly access and insert these prewritten responses when responding to customer communications, saving time and ensuring consistent, accurate answers.


Tiledesk's Tags feature enables the categorization and organization of conversations according to specific criteria or topics. Agents can quickly assign tags to discussions to identify and filter for enhanced management and organization.

Tags such as "sales," "technical support," and "billing" can be modified to meet the organization's specific needs.


Tiledesk's Triggers feature enables the automation of actions in response to predefined conditions. With triggers, specific actions can be triggered automatically when certain events occur.

For instance, when a new conversation is received, a trigger can be configured to assign it to a particular agent or team based on the conversation topic or customer category.

Why Do I Recommend You To Use It?

Recommendations aid in decision-making and reduce time spent searching for information. When making a recommendation, it is essential to consider the recipient's needs and preferences.

Tiledesk will review this section; I will explain why I recommend this tool. This page provides in-depth information on all the features that could be used to guide this tool.

Easy To Use

The first reason is that Tiledesk is highly intuitive. This platform's dashboard is very beginner-friendly. Even if you're not tech-savvy, you'll be okay with figuring out how to use it.

Affordable Lifetime Deal price

The second reason is that it is incredibly inexpensive. You will not be required to pay a monthly fee to use this software. Finally, it is efficient and beneficial for travelers just beginning their journey. If you use it properly, it will provide you with many benefits.

Customer Support

Tiledesk provides effective email and lives chat support. If you encounter any issues, you can send them an email. I received an email response within minutes. Additionally, this tool offers FAQs and help desk support.

Roadmap and Privacy

This platform's roadmap is extremely promising, and you receive frequent and prompt updates from Tiledesk's developers. This tool complies with the GDPR, CCPA, and LGPD and is completely safe and secure. This tool benefits so many people.

Languages and Users

Tiledesk is available in multiple languages. Thus, you can select your preferred language and utilize this application. You can add various account administrators to your account.

API Integration

This tool provides API and integration capabilities, allowing you to automate this tool with other platforms and increase productivity. This tool can be connected to a third-party platform to automate your workflow.

mobile app

Tiledesk's mobile application enables users to create ad campaigns effortlessly and quickly. The mobile application can be downloaded easily from the app and Play Store.

Why Must You Need To Purchase Tiledesk Now?

👉 With Tiledesk, you can create chatbots with custom rules, triggers, and prompts, so you won't feel like you're conversing with R2-D2.

In addition, you can create unique messages for each page, allowing you to greet users, offer support, or engage prospects quickly.

Tiledesk enables you to customize premade chatbot templates following your conversion goals.

You can create forms and synchronize lead information with your CRM and other marketing automation tools.

In addition, it can automatically adjust conversation flows for each social media platform.

Buying Opportunity

Which would you prefer, monthly or one-time payment? Rather than paying monthly, pay once. If you subscribe to the monthly package of Tiledesk, you must pay $$$ per year and $$ per month.

If you purchase the Tiledesk app sumo lifetime deal now, you will pay just once and have access to Tiledesk for an entire lifetime.

This could be a great time to purchase this unbelievable deal. After concluding this transaction, you must pay $$$. Nevertheless, APPSumo offers a 60-day money-back guarantee for any reason.

In addition, each Tiledesk APPSumo plan includes lifetime updates, which is fantastic. Therefore, you should act quickly before the deal expires. Buy Tiledesk immediately; you will always remember I offered you this deal.

Get Your Discount With Tiledesk APPSumo Deal.


  • Visit the Tiledesk Review Lifetime Deal page.

  • After redirecting the page, wait for some seconds, and you can see a discount popup will appear.

  • Enter a new or unique email address to receive this exclusive offer.

  • Continue with the same email id.

  • You get at the end.

  • This offer will be valid for new users only.

Tiledesk APPSumo Deal Pricing 

  • All features above included

  • Two seats

  • 500 monthly conversations

  • Prices start at


In conclusion, my experience with this tool is remarkable after extensive use. Tiledesk may be the best option if you are looking for a no-code chatbot builder that helps you generate more leads, provide live chat support, and strengthen customer relationships.

Join us if you find this Tiledesk review to be informative. Here you get regular updates on digital products. Contact me if you have any problems or require assistance. I am always willing to assist you with your concerns. Always have my best wishes with you, my friend. We appreciate you reading this Tiledesk review.

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Joined: July 26th, 2022
Articles Posted: 68

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