Understanding Salt Damp: Causes, Effects, and Remedies

Posted by alibababet08 on October 25th, 2023


Salt damp, also known as rising damp or salt efflorescence, is a common problem in many buildings, particularly older ones. It is a condition where moisture from the ground rises through a building's walls, salt damp carrying with it salts and minerals that can lead to various structural and aesthetic issues. In this article, we will explore the causes, effects, and remedies for salt damp.

Causes of Salt Damp

Salt damp occurs primarily in buildings that lack proper damp-proofing measures. The main causes of this issue include:

Capillary Action: Moisture from the ground is drawn upwards through porous building materials, such as brick, stone, or mortar, through capillary action. This rising moisture contains soluble salts, such as nitrates, chlorides, and sulfates.

Lack of Damp-Proofing: Older buildings, in particular, may lack effective damp-proof courses (DPCs) or membranes that prevent moisture from rising. Without a DPC, water and salts can freely move upwards through the walls.

Effects of Salt Damp

Salt damp can lead to a range of structural and aesthetic problems in a building, including:

Deterioration of Building Materials: The soluble salts present in the rising moisture can crystallize within the building materials, causing them to break down. This can lead to the disintegration of bricks, mortar, and plaster, weakening the structure.

Mold and Fungus Growth: Damp conditions created by salt damp can encourage the growth of mold and fungus, which not only damage building materials but also pose health risks to occupants.

Staining and Efflorescence: As the moisture evaporates from the walls' surface, it can leave behind unsightly white, powdery deposits known as efflorescence. This can stain and damage the appearance of walls.

Paint and Plaster Damage: The presence of salt damp can cause paint to peel and plaster to bubble and detach from the walls.

Health Issues: Damp conditions can lead to a range of health issues for occupants, including allergies and respiratory problems due to increased mold and dust mite populations.

Remedies for Salt Damp

Addressing salt damp is essential to protect the structural integrity and aesthetics of a building. Here are some common remedies:

Damp-Proof Courses (DPCs): Installing or repairing DPCs is a fundamental solution to prevent rising damp. These can be made of materials like plastic, rubber, or slate, and they are placed within the wall to create a barrier against moisture.

Waterproofing: Waterproof coatings or membranes can be applied to the exterior walls to prevent moisture penetration. These coatings are particularly effective in older buildings.

Salt Removal: Removing the salts and efflorescence from affected surfaces is essential. This can be achieved by scraping, brushing, or washing the walls with appropriate solutions.

Ventilation: Ensuring proper ventilation in affected areas helps reduce moisture buildup. Installing air vents and dehumidifiers can be effective solutions.

Repointing and Replastering: Damaged mortar and plaster should be replaced, and bricks should be repointed to restore the structural integrity of the walls.

Landscaping: Proper landscaping can help divert water away from the building's foundation, reducing the amount of moisture that rises through the walls.


Salt damp is a common issue in older buildings but can also affect newer structures without proper damp-proofing measures. Understanding the causes and effects of salt damp is crucial for effective remediation. By implementing the appropriate remedies, property owners can protect the structural integrity and aesthetics of their buildings and ensure the health and well-being of the occupants. Preventive measures and regular maintenance are key to keeping salt damp at bay in any construction.

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