How to Ease Constipation at Home

Posted by Sophia Addison on September 19th, 2016

Constipation is certainly not a pleasant feeling. It can be painful and can even cause bloating and other unpleasant side effects. Furthermore, you simply feel uncomfortable the whole time. If you are currently suffering, there is good news – you can easily overcome constipation at home. By using a combination of some home remedies as well as other substances, you can go back to feeling like your old self. Of course, if the problem continues, you should seek medical attention. Here are just a few things that you can do to ease your overall distress:

Load Up on Fibre

One of the reasons that you may be constipated is because there is not enough fibre in your diet. Fibre helps to keep the digestive tract in functioning condition. If you have been ignoring your fibre, however, there is still a few things that you can do. For instance, prunes, raisins, high fibre bran cereal, and oatmeal can all help. However, if you are not used to eating a lot of these foods, it is best to eat them in moderate amounts. This way, you will be able to avoid any uncomfortable side effects such as bloating and flatulence. In a short while, you will definitely feel a lot better.

Go for a Walk

Sometimes, all you really need to do is to get up and go for a walk. While it may be the last thing that you feel like doing, it will actually help you. When you exercise, it reduces the amount of time that it takes for your food to pass through your larger intestine. In turn, this minimizes the amount of water that is absorbed. Exercise also helps to stimulate your bowels, thus getting them to work better. All in all, it is a good idea to lace up your shoes and go for a walk or a run. You may come back wanting to go to the bathroom.

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Self Massage

Believe it or not, a little bit of massage may be all that you require to get your bowels working properly. This does not mean heading to the nearest masseuse. Instead, you are going to need to target a particular couple of points on your arm. This spot is about a couple of centimetres away from your wrist, on the back of your forearm. Massage this spot a bit for a while with your thumb and you may feel relief. Ideally, a couple of minutes a day should help.

Using Additional Measures

Sometimes, all of these natural remedies really don’t work. In such instances, you are going to require something a little bit more powerful. A good option to turn to is Movicol. This can help to pass stool a lot more easily. You should always make sure that the product is appropriate for you, however. Speak with a doctor or a medical consultant before using it. However, you should feel a lot better after taking Movicol.

Remember to be patient with all of these remedies. While some might work quickly, others may take a while. Furthermore, when used in combination with one another, you may find that they work better. It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle to prevent further bouts of constipation.

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Sophia Addison

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Sophia Addison
Joined: August 31st, 2016
Articles Posted: 111

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