When is the best time to prune trees?

Posted by Jeniffer on October 5th, 2016

Pruning enhances the aesthetics of the landscape and increases the lifetime of the tree. Trees can be pruned for various reasons. Some common reasons for pruning trees are health, safety, aesthetics, stimulate growth, restrict growth, prevent damage to the tree or the property, and maintain the natural form of the tree. The best time to trim the tree depends on the reason and purpose.

If there are dead or diseased branches on the tree, then you should immediately cut the branches. Tree pruning should be done as soon as possible if the branches are a safety hazard to the property or people in the vicinity. Broken branches need to be immediately trimmed away, so that they don’t break and cause damage. You can get a professional tree cutter in Adelaide to prune trees. The trained arborist will neatly trim to tree without harming the healthy parts.

However, if you are pruning the tree to make it look more beautiful or for regulating growth, then you need to do it at the right time. Did you know that trees also bleed? Trees like maple and dogwood bleed sap when they are cut. However, it doesn’t harm the tree. But if you prune the tree in extreme conditions, like during a severe hot spell or on the coldest days of winter, it could take a longer time for the new branches and leaves to grow. Therefore, unless for safety or health, preferably don’t cut trees during these extreme seasons. Even if you consult a company providing pruning and tree removal service in Adelaide, the experts will suggest the same thing.

So, if these seasons are not good to prune trees, when is the best time? The best time to trim trees is during late fall or early season. It is because this is the dormant season. If you trim the tree during this time, there will be less stress on it. Moreover, sap loss is also reduced. Trees could be infected by fungus or insects when they are cut. However, if the tree is pruned during this period, the chances of infection or infestation are reduced.

The time to prune trees also depends on the type of tree. Deciduous trees shed their leaves during fall, and new leaves grow in spring. So, it will be easier to prune branches during late fall. However, if it’s a flowering tree, then you need to check the flowering cycle before you decide to cut the branches. A professional tree cutter in Adelaide can help you decide on the best time to prune trees. To get detailed information, consult a reliable tree removal service provider in Adelaide.

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Joined: October 5th, 2016
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