5 main subjects courses to be included as mandatory in curriculum

Posted by kellyleona on November 18th, 2016

The aim of any curriculum is to improve and ensure all children get access to learning opportunities. It also ensures they can celebrate and develop their full potential. For quality education, different teaching methodologies should be embraced. Greater attentions should be paid to accommodate even those with special needs. Any curriculum should not force pupil to attend lessons that go against their parent's beliefs. Education curriculums play a significant role in developing any given economy. The review of any curriculum should be done regularly. Various stakeholders in the education sector should work hand in hand in the implementation of policies and rules for proper educational reforms. Parents should get in touch with curriculum experts and get samples of their publications. The parents can make an informed decision about where to enroll their children. The government through various agencies monitors the quality of any education system. Enactment of proper laws ensures every citizen has equal access to education. The laws also safeguard teachers’ and students’ rights as enshrined in the constitution. It is mandatory to enroll children in any curriculum at the right age.

1. Sex and relationships education: 
This form of teaching teaches pupils about sexuality, sexual health, and reproduction. This form of instruction should not encourage any form of early sexual orientation or activity. It is mandatory for schools to have a written down policy on sexual education. The institution administration should avail the plan to the parents regularly. Parents should get regular feedback in case of any amendments.

2. Religious education: 
This subject enables students to develop understanding, knowledge, and ability to be responsive to Christianity and other principal religions. Students can appreciate other faiths and respect their values and beliefs. This subject also encourages living purpose-driven lives. Besides, they make informed decisions on social, religious and moral issues. This lesson also reduces crime indices in any society.

3. Road safety: Young people and children are at a potential risk on our roads. There is a need to learn how to use the roads responsibly. Children learning traffic safety early enough reduces the risk of traffic accidents. They also become ambassadors of safety. This education plays a vital role in shaping the behaviors and attitude of young people and children. The children also learn various road signs and their meanings. This subject reduces road fatalities and injuries. Fewer traffic accidents bring a saving in the economy.


4. Citizenship: Students and teachers have the mandate to promote justice, equality, democratic participation and respect for others in the society. Education enables students to learn their constitutional rights. This subject also covers parliamentary democracy and legal system. Students also learn about globalization. They through citizenship education appreciate their country and become more patriotic.

5. Languages: These are essential in any society. Language enhances communication in the society. In early ages, children learn both written and spoken languages. They develop the use of vocabulary and grammatical elements. Pupils gain necessary competencies in communication. They gain knowledge on how to construct sentences, write letters, words and how to write a story. Learning in schools is aided by languages. In some schools, students learn different languages that enhance harmony and unity in the society. Mastering languages enable studentsto  make speeches and engage in debates.

Author Bio: Kelly Leona is a reputed Write my assignment for me writer who has written many guest posts about curriculum development and education policies.

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Joined: November 18th, 2016
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