The Benefits of Cloud Disaster Recovery Plans

Posted by julesalanna on March 30th, 2017

First let’s discuss what disaster recovery is. When you have a business, you’ll want to backup your data, so that if there is ever a situation in which your system is compromised, or destroyed, you have a way to return to a time before the disaster. However, there is a difference between a simple backup to continuous replication that disaster recovery services can offer you.

What is Continuous Recovery?
It’s just as it sounds. It’s a solution to all of your problems. What it does, is instead of just backing up data once a week or even once a day, it is backing up your systems all the time, continuously, and without fail. Also, it backs up more than just data, it also backs up the network settings, system, applications, etc. It also backs up both physical and cloud based information as well. it pretty much replicates and recovers all of your information and applications and supports all workloads, not just specific ones.

What Does That Mean for You?
It means that you will lose nothing. When a disaster strikes, you will essentially be able to push a button and get your entire system back. It’s been running in the background without interrupting any of the work that you were currently doing and saves in real time, meaning you have little to no loss of information. For businesses this is imperative to maintain productivity and also so that you don’t lose any of the information that you worked hard to obtain.

Should You Invest in This?
As a business, yes. For the simple reason that losing your data, even some of it, can have terrible consequences to your bottom line. Imagine you are working on a huge project and have been all day. Your current system only supports creating a screenshot of the data at the end of the day, however at 2pm, after 6 hours of straight work on a project that you saved locally, the power goes out and you lose everything. There is no recovery. So now the potential for a deadline to have to be pushed, loss of revenue, etc., has occurred. With continuous recovery, everything will always be saved. Information in applications and network settings will be saved; so you don’t have to get someone else out there to get you back up and running after your system is restored and it’s easy.

Cloud based disaster recovery allows you to test the system with no interruption of your current workflow, employees won’t even know it's happening; and the replication (backing up) is also happening at the same time, in the background, without any interference with the workday. It’s beneficial, regardless of the size of the company and if you are looking for a way to ensure that your data will always be recovered, cloud based disaster recovery is the way to go.

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Joined: March 30th, 2017
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