Legal Prostitution: Part 4: THE REAL NEED FOR PROSTITUTES: Why would someo

Posted by london on July 17th, 2017

Part 4:

Why would someone married visit a hooker and buy sex when their other half is available at home?… Why would someone not in a relationship pay for sex when they can be with a partner who is more than happy and willing to engage in this most intimate of acts?…

The December to January 2008-2009 issue of Scientific American Mind, a magazine published by Scientific American, contained a post attempting to answer the question why men visited hookers, Various studies cited in the article estimate that the percentage of men worldwide who frequently visit hookers ranges probably from 16 to 39% and those men cut across all racial, economic social class and age lines. One recent example was that of the former governor of New York State who was married and had children. In other words, from truck drivers to teachers, politicians, doctors, lawyers and even law enforcement officials, people visit sex workers

. One of Baroness Thatcher's favourirte think-tanks claims that the sex trade should be fully decriminalised because feminism has left modern men starved of sex, a controversial newspaper published by the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) calls for Britain’s prostitution laws to be scrapped, insisting it is “inevitable” that men will resort to paying for sex as women become more empowered through participation in the workplace, The paper by the outspoken sociologist and author Dr Catherine Hakim claims that men effectively have twice as much sexual desire as women but that it is no longer being met at home.

Research has shown that some people in any society will need sexual intimacy from a hooker for one reason or the other, sexually active single men and women with no sexual partner, men and women with a higher sex drive than their partner provides, people that have sexual desires they are not comfortable sharing in their relationship, people that do not want to be in a relationship but need sex with no strings attached or even people that simply need sex to boost their ego. The bottom line is that hookers are useful in a community no matter how you look at it and officially legalising and controlling it like any other trade would take some of the stigma away from it. Social experts claim that rape would be on the rise if there were no hookers to easily handle these sexual needs that are very real.

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