The Most Common Reasons for Hair Loss and Baldness

Posted by Prisha on February 26th, 2018

Hair loss may haunt both men and women any time and the severe conditions may occur due to some certain reasons. Hair loss experts are sure that your genes are fully responsible for your hair loss but the story of baldness is not so simple and it involves a lot of factors. There are several reasons that may make the scalp bald temporarily or permanently. If the effect is temporary, you do not need to worry but in the case of permanent hair loss, things are sometimes out of control. According to the experts, if you visit a PRP hair loss treatment clinic at the right time, the hair loss may be prevented but once you are late, you may face serious results.

To treat the hair loss or baldness, it is essential to detect the root cause and once the surgeon finds the exact reason, he may decide you an appropriate hair transplant technique.

Let us have a look at the prime reasons for hair loss and baldness:

Genetic hair loss:

Hair loss experts believe that your genes may be responsible for severe hair loss or baldness and the traits of baldness may make the next generation bald as well. Such type of baldness is called androgenic alopecia and can be recognized with the help of a certain pattern.

Hormonal disturbance:

Hormones function in the body and the body needs a certain level of hormones to run metabolism and other activities. Hair loss is possible if the hormonal level fluctuates and hormones imbalance may work as a trigger for the occurrence of baldness.

Imbalanced diet:

A balanced diet is important for every organ of the body and this golden rule works for the hair as well. Hair is made up of protein and needs certain nutrients. For a smooth growth cycle of hair, one needs a constant supply of nutrients. If you feel your hair seem unhealthy, maybe the reason is an unhealthy diet.

Notably, dieting may be a reason for hair loss if the person following a diet plan has not met with a proper hair expert of dietician before the start of dieting.

Hair products:

Hair products laden with harsh chemicals are harmful to your scalp and hair. Actually, before the use of such products, the patients take the advice of a trained and skilled hair care expert who may assist you in choosing a right product for you.

Different seasons:

Seasonal effects may damage your hair and this reason is generally observed by the men and women when due to excessive heat or cold, the hair becomes brittle, broken, and weak.  

To sum up, only genes are not responsible for bringing hair loss in your life but there may be other reasons that may things more severe. However, PRP hair loss treatment may be effective for hair loss but it is better you try to stay away from these reasons.

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