Do You Know the Top 10 Essential Tools Found in a First Aid Kit?

Posted by Ron William on February 27th, 2018

One of the principle reasons, for which mistakes occur, is because people don't stay INFORMED. A medical student of first aid course in Geelong or an aspiring nurse learning how to impart first aid training in Melbourne can relate to being informed in a better way. But, what about the general folk? How would they know about the chief components and their usages? Well, read this article to find out…

Being the guide and the beginner to help people with primary treatment, a first aid box helps anyone not only in treating someone but also in teaching one about general procedure.

Being a student for a first aid course in Geelong would teach you about this. But, what about others who want to know few of the essentials about the first aid box?

Well, this article is going to help them a little bit for knowing about the top 10 of the essential tools that a first aid box would never ignore.

Tool 1: The Guide

Well, this is known as the manual or the guide to use the first aid kit.

Various components in the kit are there for specific use and not knowing them can cause severe harm.

It contains information to treat extensive injuries and ailments like slight wounds, bites, muscle twitches or sprains etc. This should not be studied at the time of the problem as one usually doesn't stay in the condition to understand.

It is not this blog, but any course on first aid training in Melbourne would first advise reading the manual before the occurrence of an injury as a smart choice.

first aid training Melbourne

Tool 2: Tweezers

Well, believe it or not, it gets a lot of jobs done when it comes to removing certain particles of various matters settling on the wound.

There are particular granules of debris, dust or glass that increases the pain and cooperates to infect. Stings from bees also do the same.

With a tweezer, there should not be any worry if it is appropriately used.

Tool 3: Alcohol Swabs

Before bandaging and applying ointment on the wounded area, one must wash it with alcohol swabs.

In case of sterilizing the tweezers, it can also be used with anesthetic swabs.

Tool 4: Bandages

If you need to wrap up the wound to stop bleeding, you will need adhesive bandages.

But, these are offered in various sizes and for that, buying different sizes of them and keeping them in the kit would be a helpful idea.

Tool 5: Elastic Bandages

Don't ignore a muscle strain! It can prove to be intolerably painful had you not bandaged it.

Elastic bandages wrap around knees, elbows or the wrists to reduce the swelling in the affected area. It allows you time to think about the next step.

Tool 6: Medical Tapes

What if you wrapped up a wound with a gauze bandage but cannot fix it there?

Then, you are going to need a medical tape that would hold the wrap strongly.

Tool 7: Gauze Pads

You will need a gauze pad to add something more to a bandage if the bleeding does not stop.

These pads are made in a way to absorb blood if bleeding exceeds the normal level.

Tool 8: Pain Relievers

Well, if the wound is painful, taking the help of the pain relievers would be a good thing.

But it would be wiser if it is taken in a limited level.

But these things are not for children.

Tool 9: Cold Packs

Also known as instant cold packs, these essential items are used to treat pains from sprains or muscle twitches.

The good thing about this is that it doesn’t necessarily need refrigeration.

Tool 10: Antibiotic Ointment

It is usually used to disinfect and soothe the affected wound.

But, it should not be applied unless the affected area is cleaned and washed.

The Final Words

First Aid tools are mandatory for the first aid box, but training is compulsory for people who ultimately use them.

Without proper training, those tools would just be TOOLS and not the means of CURE.  

Resource box: The author… has been one of the faculty members for first aid course in Geelong and also an expert training consultant working with students of first aid training in Melbourne.

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Ron William

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Ron William
Joined: July 6th, 2017
Articles Posted: 213

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