5 Main Qualities A Good Tester Should Have

Posted by ImpactQA on April 1st, 2018

A question that bangs in every software tester’s ears “what drives you to think that you  are a better tester?” at the time of an interview. Sometimes, we think we are good at testing because we have been pursuing it for a long time. But, let’s be blunt - are you curious, stubborn, creative and at the same time diplomatic? If yes, you have everything that takes to be a good tester. Not just skills, the traits of a software tester should be in the account to outdo the profession rather than just doing a good enough job.

Here in this article, we will give a roundup of the five main qualities that a better tester should possess - picked by the industry experts.

Are you an Egghead?
According to professionals, being an egghead has nothing to do with being an intelligent person. It is one of the topmost and crucial traits for QA pros as it stimulates the tester to discover engaging questions about the application under test. The software testing companies in India hire software testers who possess this quality - “a person who finds what nobody has ever found, thinks what nobody has ever thought of and does what nobody has ever dared - an egghead.”

Good Manager of Priorities
For a good software tester, one should understand the true meaning of priority and when he does, he is called a good time manager too. Many times, you are given various functionalities of software to test within a deadline (not easy). As a good tester, you should know what needs to be given less priority and what module should actually be tested first for better functioning, which task should be done now and what later.

Time management and intellectual curiosity go into close association with aplomb. How are you going to deal with everyone, including your teammates, developers and business stakeholders? Rectifying other tester’s mistakes will not make you a good guy but, suggesting some good ideas with a polite voice.

Great Reporter
To make your day productive, you worked, worked and still worked and performed a series of test cases and listed them as passed/failed. But making a proper report about your status is what stands you apart from other testers. Start writing a short descriptive report, including what all tests you performed, which bugs you spotted, and what will your next day’s agenda.

Being Stubborn Pays Off
Often, being called a “stubborn person” is not a compliment but in the world of software, its actually one of the top qualities that firms seek in testers. A headstrong tester is persistent and will not be pleased until the bugs/errors in the software application are reported so that they can be sorted by the developers.

By working day and night and putting in your 100% can surely make you a better software tester and get you a good position in one of the software testing consulting companies but if you cover the above-discussed qualities, you will become an expert.

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