How To Find That Writing Spark Again

Posted by charlotte on June 13th, 2018

I’ve never been one to fall too short on article ideas. I keep several running lists of ideas on my computer. I also have endless pages of research for article ideas that I printed out and keep on hand at my desk. I like to keep a stash of ideas for when I’m sitting in a waiting room or waiting to pick up my daughter at school. This way, I’m always fueled up and ready to write. 

I recently joined a spring article writing challenge, which began on May 1st. This challenge is the second one of its kind that I’ve joined in an effort to push myself to write more. The challenge is to write at least 30 articles and submit to article directories online (also known as "articlemarketing"). 

The first week of the article writing challenge went off without a hitch. I wrote and submitted several articles to my favorite article directory. As aghostwriter, I’ve learned to write lots of articles in a short amount of time. However, going into the second week, I met a writing block. I felt totally uninspired to write a single sentence. 

Have you ever felt like this? Have you ever reached a point when you felt like you’d never formulate another good article idea again? Despite my writer’s block, I pushed on and found my writing groove again. Here are some ways I found my writing spark; maybe they will help you, too: 

1. KEEP WRITING No matter how uninspired you feel, don’t stop writing. Even if you write "crap" keep on writing anyway. If you stop writing, youare enabling yourself to be blocked. 

2. CALL ON GOOD FRIENDS Sometimes when you face best writing services' block, the best thing to do is call on a few good writer friends. After all, who could understand what you’re facing better than another writer? Often you will find your writer friends to be a source of inspiration and help when your writing well feels dry. 

3. REFILL YOUR WRITING WELL Speaking of dry wells, every so often it is necessary for every writer to refill the well. When we write, we empty ourselves of what’s inside. Take a long walk, visit a museum, browse interesting photographs. Do whatever your inner artist enjoys to refill your well. 

4. TAKE A BREAK Forcing yourself to face the computer screen and stare at a blinking cursor is more of a punishment than a shove in the right direction. Instead, give yourself a break from writing for a little while. Take the day off. Do something different for a few hours. Call a friend for a chat you’ve been postponing. Give yourself a break and you may return to your work feeling energized and full of ideas again.

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About the Author

Joined: June 13th, 2018
Articles Posted: 1