Why You Need to Get your Dog Vaccinated

Posted by Camino Animal Hospital on September 4th, 2019

When you decide to adopt a pet, you need to know that owning a pet comes with a lot of responsibilities. One of the prominent responsibilities is to get your four-legged friend vaccinated. The goal of puppy vaccines and dog vaccines is to moderately stimulate the immune system by familiarizing it with the presence of antigens. This way, if a dog becomes exposed to the real ailment, it's immune system will recognize it, and therefore be prepared to fight it off, or at the least decrease its consequences. Let’s see how dog vaccination in Placerville is advantageous for your furry friend.
1. Prevents Serious Disease: Disease prevention is probably the most obvious – and the most significant reason for dog vaccinations.

There are a variety of vaccinations your vet can give to your dog to minimize the chances of illness (or exterminate them collectively.)
You must start the vaccination cycle when your dog is a puppy. The younger your animal, the more vulnerable he is to serious diseases. This is because your dog’s immune system hasn’t yet fully developed– so vaccination will help in the prevention of disease.
2. Following the law: In case a love for your dog isn’t sufficient to convince you to vaccinate your dog, maybe the legal side of things will.
Yes, you read it right– dog vaccination in Placerville is needed by law in every state – no objections.
Even if your pet is an indoor animal, don’t forget that it’s still very convenient for your dog to sneak outside or even for a wild animal to come inside your home.
Besides, if you ever plan to take your dog on a vacation, or even put it in “dog daycare” while you’re at work, you’ll often have to give the proof of up-to-date vaccinations of your dog.
3. Keep others safe: One of the most fun things about owning a dog is taking your dog to dog parks or walks and letting him meet other people and pets. Unless you vaccinate your pooch, there’s a huge chance that your pet could make other animals sick. Even worse, an unvaccinated animal could even spread diseases to other people and pets. Dog vaccination in Placerville is also important to protect your family members' against illnesses, germs, and even diseases that are often carried by pets.
This can even include life-threatening diseases like Rabies and Leptospirosis.
Especially if your pets are around little children, those with weaker immune systems or the elderly are more vulnerable to get ill.

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Camino Animal Hospital

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Camino Animal Hospital
Joined: December 18th, 2018
Articles Posted: 15

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