My Mother, My Hero; She taught me The ways Of GOD

Posted by edosa on September 13th, 2012

I was in                 Junior High School when I fell seriously ill. My mother had traveled out of our domicile state, and my dad was far away in another city where he resides. My elder and younger ones had called in a doctor, who after checking me gave some prescriptions of medicines to be bought and used by me. The medicines were bought and I used them as directed by the physician, but there was no sign of me getting better.

A week passed by and my siblings decided to call our parents. My mom arrived the following day she was called. When she entered the house, she dropped her luggage and started singing praises to GOD. After about five minutes of singing, she walked up to where I was lying on a sofa there in the sitting room, and placed her right hand on my forehead. Then, she rendered this prayer;

                                                “Father I thank YOU for the journey mercy and protection over my

                                                  children that I left behind in YOUR care. I thank YOU that though I

                                                  Received a sudden call to come back home, it is not for bad or worse

                                                  , but to show that you are GOD indeed. I thank YOU for the life of my

                                              because he is well already.”

That was the prayer that did the magic. Immediately after she finished rendering the prayer, I got up and demanded for a cup of beverage (I hadn’t been able to get up or eat anything for a week). When the morning came, I was strong and healthy.

My mom epitomized who a Christian should be, and her lifestyle, how a believer should live his or her life. She did nothing without first asking for direction from GOD. She believed so much in the power of prayer and praise and worship to the ALMIGHTY. Looking back now to the kind of lifestyle she lived ( she is late); correcting and teaching the youths, never condemning, but uplifting ones spirit through the use of the scriptures towards the way of TRUTH, giving most of the little she had to those who do not have, taking care and praying for the sick, directing we her children and other peoples children in the right path, teaching us the principles of being a Christian and not a church-goer, I cannot but which she was she alive because she is an irreplaceable gem.

I remember when I had an accident with my right leg broken and I couldn’t rise up from my sick bed or move any parts of my body for three months. My mom was always there by my side. Every day, she reminds me of GODS words and how HE promised never to forsake HIS OWN. She told me never to give up hope and faith in GOD. (The doctors had said that I won’t walk again), because HE (GOD) needs my faith in HIM to make me walk again. I held on to this statement and glued it to my heart. With this statement glued to my heart, I believed that I would walk again in spite of what the doctors had said, and I did rise up from my sick bed exactly three months after I was laid there.

She taught me never to compromise my faith for anything no matter the situation, because we as believers must pass through period of trial in order to strengthen our faith and at the end we will wear a crown of Glory and our measure of faith will add up.


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Joined: July 27th, 2012
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