15 STUPID SEO MISTAKES you do not KNOW you are making

Posted by masud rana on November 29th, 2020

Is the dread of committing errors prevent you from intensify your SEO game?

Trust me, you are not alone!

The dread of committing errors to require a stab at something new is that the thing that forestalls us from accomplishing extraordinary things throughout lifestyle .

It's a similar with regards to site design improvement. Individuals fear wrecking things and getting punished by Google.

They continue checking out smidgens of knowledge to an excellent extent and finish up after some unacceptable or obsolete counsel.

Building an honest SEO methodology implies remaining refreshed with the right data and dodging idiotic mix-ups.

In this post, i will be able to show you 15 Stupid SEO botches that you simply probably won't realize you are making .

We should move it…



  1. Not doing Keyword research

  2. Watchword stuffing

  3. Putting internet searcher bots before human perusers

  4. Making superfluous substance

  5. Copy content

  6. Helpless site structure

  7. Not having a protected site

  8. Versatile antagonistic plan

  9. Skipping meta portrayals

  10. Getting poor backlinks

  11. No outbound connections

  12. No/Poor interlinking

  13. Not upgrading pictures

  14. Failing to remember web-based media

  15. Not assessing your SEO methodology over the long haul


The absolute first error numerous bloggers and substance makers make is composing everything without exception they need. 

They couldn't care less about what their intended interest group needs or what they're looking on the web. 

To make quality substance that takes care of issues and makes you cash, you have to comprehend what your crowd is searching for. 

What's more, that is the place where watchword research becomes possibly the most important factor… 

Watchword research is the specialty of finding the catchphrases and expressions that your intended interest group is utilizing in the web crawlers to search for something. 

When you find what those catchphrases are, you can undoubtedly make focused on quality substance around them. 

Not doing appropriate catchphrase research is the most noticeably terrible and most inept SEO botch one could make. 

You can do utilize Google's free Keyword Planner apparatus to do your watchword examination or you can go with a paid instrument like SEMrush. 

2. Watchword STUFFING

A couple of years prior, it was a lot simpler to rank in SERPs (Search motor outcome pages) simply based on catchphrases stuffed to a great extent. 

Individuals were utilizing white content on a white foundation to shroud their catchphrases. 

In any case, that is not the case any longer since Google has advanced to turn out to be a lot more astute and there are better calculations set up. 

On the off chance that you center around upgrading your substance by stuffing watchwords for the internet searcher bots, the crawlers can detect that and you'll wind up getting punished. 

You need to ensure that you don't over-improve your substance with watchwords. 

Try to utilize your primary watchword just once per 100-120 words and remember equivalents and related words for your substance.


One of the most widely recognized SEO botches content makers make is failing to remember that they're making content for the people and not the bots. 

Clients consistently precede web index bots. 

They are the ones who will connect with your substance and transform into clients later. On the off chance that you overlook them, implies you're disregarding cash. 

Google remunerates those sites with better web crawler rankings which give an incredible client experience to the searchers alongside the quality substance. 

You need to ensure that the fundamental motivation behind your article is clear. 

You can streamline your substance for crawlers as much as you need, yet on the off chance that the clients are distraught and fulfilled, your rankings are not going anyplace close to the top. 


Internet searcher crawlers can undoubtedly get befuddled in the event that you produce content that is totally not applicable to your site points. 

For instance, on the off chance that you blog about 'home stylistic theme' and out of nowhere you compose an article on 'professional canine care', at that point that is not going anyplace. 

Subject significance is one of the significant positioning components in web crawlers. 

Tragically creating unessential substance will sit idle however your blog's SEO. 

5. Copy CONTENT 

The following moronic mix-up is about the quality and innovation of your substance.

By Duplicate substance, I imply that having similar substance on numerous pages of the equivalent or various sites. 

Copy content on various pages of a similar site befuddles web crawlers about which substance to file and results in poor SEO. 

While replicating or counterfeiting content from another person's site is carefully wrong and can bring about getting punished by Google. 

The best thing to satisfy both web crawlers and the clients is to make your own unique quality substance. 


Having a helpless structure is truly regular among bloggers and substance makers. 

What does the site structure mean precisely? The method of getting sorted out and connecting your pages to make it simpler for the clients and crawlers to explore through your site. 

Having a helpless webpage structure brings about helpless client experience as well as makes it hard for the crawlers to creep through your site. 

Utilization of classifications, top and footer menus, connecting related posts together is the way you structure your site in a superior manner. 

Besides, your substance ought not be multiple snaps from your landing page or any page. 

For instance, in the event that I need to arrive at a post in "web-based media" class, at that point it should resemble home>social media>post. 

The simpler the better! 


Another dumb misstep individuals make is overlooking the significance of having a safe site. 

Making sure about your site not just shields it from programmers and assailants, helps in picking up client trust but on the other hand is useful for SEO. 

A couple of things you can do to make sure about your site are – 

  • Going HTTPS or getting a SSL declaration 

  • Introducing a protected and dependable subject 

  • Utilizing a CDN like Cloudflare

  • Getting a security module like Wordfence 


As we have just observed that SEO isn't just about substance and catchphrases yet in addition about the client experience. 

With the quantity of cell phone clients expanding step by step, it's nothing unexpected that Google offers inclination to sites with a portable cordial plan. 

Ensure that you have a responsive subject introduced on your site that changes your site substance to different screen sizes. 

I use and enthusiastically suggest Divi subject by exquisite topics in case you're searching for a multi-reason topic with an extraordinary visual page manufacturer. 


Despite the fact that Google made it totally certain that they don't see meta depiction as a positioning variable, it doesn't mean it doesn't influence your blog's SEO by implication. 

Allow me to clarify… 

Composing an incredible snap commendable meta portrayal implies more snaps to your site from Google. Presently, Google tracks this, and if your site gets a larger number of snaps than the sites above it, Google pushes your site to high positions. 

You see now? You can't bear to wrongly skip the meta portrayals. 


Regardless of what they state, quality consistently beats amount in all things. 

In the event that you accept that Google can't follow which locales are connecting to your site, at that point I prefer not to break the shock and reveal to you that you're totally off-base. 

Google knows It all! From where you had your last dinner to which destinations connect to your site.' 

Don't, I rehash, don't wrongly get joins from low quality or unimportant sites. 

It's bad for your blog's SEO and accomplishes more mischief than anything. 

Just spotlight on getting backlinks from quality sites that are identified with your specialty. 


Numerous individuals believe that connecting to different sites is futile and will drive their traffic away. 

While the previous is bogus, the last is somewhat obvious! 

Connecting to other related quality sites reveals to Google that your site is an extraordinary wellspring of data. 

Yet, in the event that you connect to your rival's site, at that point it's simply going to remove your traffic. 

Here are a couple of sorts of sites that you should connection to – 

  • government sites (.gov) 

  • instructive sites (.edu) 

  • brand websites 

  • catalogs, and so forth 

You wanna ensure that you connect to at any rate one quality site in your post. 

Likewise read: 10 kinds of connections that really matter for SEO 


Here and there, I get astounded by the number of bloggers commit the error of not connecting their connected articles together. 

Interlinking not just causes Google bots to slither your site effectively yet it additionally makes the perusers remain on your site for quite a while and expands the online visits. 

Ensure that you connect your connected articles together. Zero in on the word RELATED. 

Try not to wrongly ignore the intensity of interlinking or connecting superfluous substance together. That is simply going to hurt your SEO. 


At the point when I originally began publishing content to a blog, I didn't realize that you need to resize and enhance your pictures prior to putting them on your site. Else, they can back your site off and hurt SEO. 

I just downloaded the stock pictures and transferred them simply like that, with no resizing or streamlining. 

I don't need you to commit a similar error with your valuable blog. 

There are a couple of things you have to do prior to transferring them to your site – 

  • Resize them appropriately – Stock pictures should be extremely huge and you have to change their size as indicated by your subject. 

  • Pack them – I utilize a module called Shortpixel to pack my pictures. 

  • Use Alt labels – Make sure that you appropriately portray the picture utilizing watchwords in the alt tag. 

14. Failing to remember SOCIAL MEDIA

Website improvement isn't just about making and streamlining it for web crawlers. 

You have to ensure that your substance can be handily shared and you share them continually on your web-based media profiles too. 

This improves commitment and aides in expanding your connection profile. 

nsure that you have a decent light-weight social sharing module like Sassy social offer introduced on your site. 

You can likewise request your perusers to share your substance at the base from your articles to improve commitment. 


Regardless of whether you do everything right, committing this single dumb SEO error can make everything go into dust. 

Website streamlining isn't tied in with enhancing and failing to remember. You need to continually assess your procedure to perceive what's working and so forth. 

Patterns change much quicker than a F1 race vehicle with regards to SEO. Furthermore, you need to keep yourself refreshed with those patterns and adjust your methodologies in like manner. 

One calculation update and BOOM! 


Try not to fear committing errors. Commit a ton of errors, gain from them and fix them as quickly as time permits. 

This is the means by which we people learn! 

What more significant is that you should zero in on gaining from others' errors. Life's short and you can't bear to make every one of them yourself. 

That being stated, what are a portion of the moronic SEO botches you were at that point making? 

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masud rana

About the Author

masud rana
Joined: November 29th, 2020
Articles Posted: 1