

Joined: June 25th, 2014
Articles Posted: 4


Published 9 Years Ago
Prolotherapy Is Best Alternative For Joint Pain Treatments
Enduring the discomfort of joint pain can be really exasperating for people who want or need to stay physically active. Joint pain can be more difficult to treat compared to other musculoskeletal problems. Doctors can prescribe some anti-inflammatory

Published 10 Years Ago
Is PRP or Prolotherapy good for Pain Relief?
Pain is described as the horrible, emotional and sensory experience that is often linked to actual or possible tissue damage. It is our body's natural alarm system that gives us a hint that something is wrong with our body. Patients who are suffering

Published 10 Years Ago
Should You Give Prolotherapy A Chance Before Drastic Replacement?
Living with chronic musculoskeletal pain can be disappointing and unbearable. Musculoskeletal pain usually affects the support structures of your body like bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons that allows you to move and perform your daily tasks. The

Published 10 Years Ago
Stem Cell Prolotherapy: Alternative to Joint Replacement ? The Future Is Now
By Peter A. Fields, MD, DC www.DrFields.com Regenerating one’s joints and spine is not in the future; it is happening today! Last year in the US, there were almost 2 million total joint replacements and another 25 to 30 million joint surgeries. In