

Joined: September 27th, 2013
Articles Posted: 12


Published 9 Years Ago
The Essential Event Planning Checklist
Events are significant occasions hosted by companies to fulfill special purposes. The idea is to seek an opportunity to recognize an achievement, launch special products, create benchmarks, introduce special ideas or services, celebrate milestones and

Published 10 Years Ago
Why Hiring A Good Event Management Company Is Important?
To most people, the thought of hiring a corporate event planner just seems like another additional cost but, actually hiring professional event planners for your corporate events is more important than you think. A good event management company like Plan

Published 10 Years Ago
Common Mistakes to Avoid For Successful Corporate Event Planning
Corporate events are a good way of branding your business and maintaining a good professional relationship with your clients and delegates.That’s why corporate events need a certain degree of careful planning.Even a single mistake can have a

Published 10 Years Ago
Tips To Make Your Corporate Social Event Enjoyable For Everyone
Corporate social events are very important for business organizations.An organization arranges for different types of corporate events to ensure that the team members are brought together and they are encouraged to work together for greater

Published 10 Years Ago
Tips to Help You Find Adept Event Planners for Your Next Event
Corporate events are very important for the successful functioning of business organizations.  They are a great way to raise the profile of businesses and cement relationships with customers, suppliers and other stakeholders. Whether it’s

Published 10 Years Ago
Reasons to Hire an Event Management Csompany for Your Next Event
Events are one of the best ways to meet new clients, partners, industry peers and strengthen your company’s relationship with them. With lots of factors going into organizing corporate events, such as attendees, speakers, presentations, catering and

Published 10 Years Ago
Tips to Make Smooth Travel Arrangements for Corporate Events
The role of a corporate event organizer is hands-on and often involves working on many aspects of event planning. Therefore, a corporate event planner always has to be on her toes and must be able to manage a wide range of activities. One of the many

Published 10 Years Ago
How To Nail Registrations For Your Next Event
It is said that a first impression is a lasting impression and the key to achieve an effective start for your event is to maintain a seamless registration system. A good registration system is imperative to the success of corporate events and can make or

Published 10 Years Ago
6 Reasons Why You Must Engage an Event Planner
Corporate events and gatherings hold unique significance for business organizations. A successful event can boost company’s reputation and strengthen relationships with customers, suppliers, company staff and industry peers. However, with a large

Published 10 Years Ago
Great Email Marketing Strategies for Event Planners
In this age of tweeting, blogging, Facebooking, Instant Messaging, a valuable marketing tool called ‘e-mail’ is fast becoming obsolete in many people’s eyes. However, e-mail is still a very crucial factor to the success of event

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