

Joined: December 24th, 2014
Articles Posted: 13


Published 7 Years Ago
Mula Bandha For Root Bond
Mula Bandha is derived from the combination of the Sanskrit words Mula(Root) and Bandha(bond). It is called as Root Bond in English.

Published 7 Years Ago
Jalandhara Bandha For Net Bearer Bond
Jalandhara Bandha is derived from the combination of the Sanskrit words Jala (net or web), dhara (holding) or Jalandhar( Name of the Rishi called Jala

Published 7 Years Ago
Jalandhara Bandha For Net Bearer Bond
Jalandhara Bandha is derived from the combination of the Sanskrit words Jala (net or web), dhara (holding) or Jalandhar( Name of the Rishi called Jala

Published 7 Years Ago
Dhyana For Big Mind Meditation
Sage Patanjali explained about Dhyana (Big Mind Meditation) in his ?Pantajali Yoga Sutra?. The below quotes clearly explains the Dhyana

Published 7 Years Ago
Why Yoga Asana Practice Is Important For Your Well Being
With the hectic lifestyle and busy work schedules it is likely that the health takes a back seat. Performing yoga asana is a definite way to attend go

Published 7 Years Ago
Yoga Types at Tips to Choose the Right One
With all the special types of yoga in existence it is evident that you are feeling baffled while choosing the right one.

Published 9 Years Ago
Purchase Quality Yoga Mats Online To Enjoy Exercise
There is an expanding mindfulness among individuals around the globe with respect to the regale that could be accomplished by performing yoga practices on standard premise. There, truth be told, a great many individuals and this number is continually

Published 9 Years Ago
Buy Quality Mat Bags Online To Protect Your Yoga Mat
If you are among those people who have just started practicing yoga from past few days, then you might have noticed that others carrying the yoga mat bags with them. These days, there are huge varieties of best quality mat bags available in market that is

Published 9 Years Ago
Buy Yoga Towels That Are A Good Absorbent
Due to the rising awareness towards health benefits that could be achieved, increasing number of people has started practising yoga exercises sessions. If you are one among these millions of people, then you will agree that wherever you practice yoga

Published 9 Years Ago
Now You Can Buy Yoga Bolsters Online
It is affirmed by almost all the person that when they started doing Yoga, they have found it difficult to carry out certain postures. The reasons for this are different, while some people lack flexibility, while there are others who find it difficult to

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