Top Six Dental Veneer Questions Answered.

Posted by westgpdentalab on December 14th, 2020

Dental Veneer is a popular procedure. But that doesn’t mean that every person knows what dental veneers are. In fact, many people have tons of doubts once their dentist suggests them the Veneers in Grande Prairie. 

And if you are one of those people too, then you have stumbled upon the right place. Today, we will answer the top five common dental veneer questions that most patients have before undergoing the procedure. 

1- What are veneers?

Dental Veneers are nothing but a thin shell that resembles the shape, size, colour and length of your natural tooth. This shell precisely installed in front of the teeth to approve the overall appearance. 

2- What are the types of veneers?

Currently, veneers are made of two materials:

Porcelain: This type of veneers is highly durable and is the best option for people who have severely discoloured or misaligned teeth. 

Composite: Composite veneers fall on the cheaper range and do not tend to last longer. 

3- How much does the procedure costs?

The exact estimation of the procedure is hard to pinpoint because factors like the severity of imperfection and the location impact the final cost. 

But typically veneers can cost from 00 to 00 each tooth. And since this procedure is a cosmetic need, insurance does not cover it. 

4- How long will the veneers last?

Porcelain veneers are durable and can last for up to 15 years, whereas the composite veneers will only last for 4 to 8 years.

5- Who can opt for dental veneers?

Anyone who suffers from dental issues like:

Worn out teeth

Discoloured teeth

Damaged teeth

Uneven teeth 

And gaps can opt for Dental veneers. 

6- What happens during the procedure? 

The procedure takes place in three different parts, like:

Consultation: Your dentist will examine your oral cavity and then determine if dental veneers are right for you or not. The dentist can even take the x-ray to make the impression of your teeth and mouth. 

Preparation: While preparing the teeth for the procedure, the dentist will shave about ½ millimetre of enamel from your tooth’s surface. Then he will take the model of your tooth and send it for constructing veneers. And while the veneer is constructed, you will be offered with a temporary veneer.  

Bonding: On the final day, the dentist will prepare the teeth by cleaning, polishing and etching them. Then he will join the veneer on the rough surface using special cement. And complete the process. 

Bottom line

Well, we are sure that after reading this article, most of your doubts about dental veneers must have vanished. 

But, don’t worry, even if you are curious to know more about Veneers in Grande Prairie then connect with West GP Dental. They will help you to show off a natural, confident smile. 

For more:

James Stevenson is the author of this article. To know more about Emergency Dentist Grande Prairie please visit our website:

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