Troubleshooting a Sewing Machine

Posted by Kraf Ezee on January 21st, 2021

Skipped stitches

If you're sewing machine fine and then you start skipping stitches, it's probably due to a worn or bent needle.

The machine needle is very fine and easily bent when pulling in the fabric, but more often than not, it is bent by hitting a pin.

If you need to change needles quite often, make sure that you allow the feed dog to move the fabric through the machine, and you don't pull it.

Thread Knotted or Breaking

First, make sure you use a thread of good quality. Cheap threads may seem like bargains, but they give off excessive lint, have loosely bound fibers, and can easily be knotted.

Check that your sewing machine is threaded correctly. If you are unsure, completely de-thread it and redo it as per your manufacturer's instructions. Remember to thread your machine to the foot of the presser.

Make sure the bobbin is threaded correctly. Make sure the bobbin is in the bobbin case and the right way around for your machine.

See if the bobbin is worn. The plastics can be worn after a lot of use and wobble when you're sewing up your tension.


Watch out for children playing with your machine as your back is turned around. All these knobs, dials and pedals are irresistible to a child.

If your machine is not in use, we would suggest you keep it locked away.

Adjusting the voltage

Adjusting the voltage varies by machine, so you really need to look at your manufacturer's manual and see how it's done. As a rule, turning the adjustment to the left reduces the tension and turning to the right tightens the tension.

Regular maintenance service

It's very easy to get so excited about your sewing projects that you're forgetting about Basic Sewing Machine Maintenance and you're starting to have trouble before long.

Check more details at

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Kraf Ezee

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Kraf Ezee
Joined: July 30th, 2019
Articles Posted: 6

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