
Posted by bharatvyas on January 21st, 2021

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Advanced solutions in computers, systems development, mobile applications and websites.

The development process

The development process is an edited and complex process - so if you are interested in development, let's start working

Steps in building an application

Before we start detailing the steps in building the app we will note that the process of building an app for mobile and computer is different in some things and we refer in this article mainly to building a mobile app

We divide the construction of the application into three main stages - planning, development and control

These stages are also divided into sub-stages


Let's start with the development stages

first step

Formulation of an idea and setting goals

These two are two different steps, but are critical in any app and the order between them varies

Idea - Before you start building - you need an idea that leads the application

Then you need to analyze the goals of the app

Who will it benefit, what will it benefit from, etc.

Even someone who has no idea but builds an app to promote his business or to maintain customer relationships, etc. needs an idea for the app - but in this case - he sets goals and according to these goals he develops the idea

second level

Once we have formulated the general idea - we begin to break it down into pieces according to the goals we have set

What will be the opening of the app, where will the user go from there, what are the options that will open before him, etc.

This step is called "application flow"

The flow is also divided into two parts

General step "The application will contain such and such functions and will perform etc."

And a detailed step in which I check step by step what will be in each situation where each screen will lead and begin to formulate the front of the app

At this stage, we will use a draft page that will also serve as a tool for the designer and build a model of the "mockup" application.

In which we draw the various screens - these screens are called "Layout" layouts

The different functions of each stage and the relationships between them

The steps so far did not require a professional at all

A good professional will be able to aim to recommend but basically it is steps in formulating the professional idea of ​​the client

Of course after performing this step, a professional will have to check all the details whether they are constructed correctly and relevantly, without contradictions and without things that cannot be done etc.

In the third stage we will involve the designer (there are those who postpone this to a later stage)

A good designer - very significant in the app, the combination of colors, and a successful combination of images - this is only a small part of the designer's job, a professional designer knows how to combine emotions: joy, sorrow, enthusiasm

And we all know that an app that looks good - leaves a positive impression

Now we move on to development - the main part of building the application, and this stage will also be divided into development planning and control

We will start planning - the development, at this stage a professional will sit down and divide the application into stages, analyze the requirements, the types of data required, etc. and build a plan for development.

The program will include the objects required for development, the methods for each object or statics the API required to develop, the databases and of course the program itself

Once there is a work plan for development the tasks of the programmers are divided, the things listed above are usually developed in a variety of languages ​​and therefore several programmers are used, each professional in a different field

The objects and methods and the program (the main method) is opened in JAVA or in #C the API is opened in PHP and the databases in MYSQL

In large applications we will have to divide the work, even in the same language, between different programmers

At the same time and at the end of each stage we will check its correctness - we will review - our work, good control during the development will eliminate the need for many repairs that will be required at the end and will save us a lot of bugs

The development phase can take months and even years depending on the size of the application, the number of programmers working on it and the quality of the design

After the application is built (and at the end of each stage of development) we create an APK file - with the help of this file we can check the performance of the application

Here we move on to the control phase:

A controller or developer will check the app to make sure everything is fine and without bugs and everything we needed to do - indeed is done, very possible and at this stage there may be changes, fixes and improvements

And then we finished? - Almost

We will install the app, with us, with relatives and friends and we will do another test for the app and --- Google Store

Mazel Tov!

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Joined: May 21st, 2019
Articles Posted: 216

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