The Most Influential People in the best rated grills under 500 Industry and Thei

Posted by Leonida on January 21st, 2021

YEARS ago, outdoor cooking involved lighting a pile of charcoal in a brick or stone hearth. For those who didnt have masonry pits or wanted to take their barbecues to favorite vacation spots, manufacturers offered a portable charcoal grill. Eventually, designers developed a gas grill that dispensed with the charcoal, yet still offered the full flavor of outdoor cooking.

Briefly, here is how a gas grill works. Gas flows from a storage tank to the unit. A shut-off valve regulates the flow of gas. When the valve is opened, gas flows through orifices into venturi tubes, where it is mixed with air. The gas-air mixture travels to the burners and exits from burner ports, where it is ignited. Most grills have piezo electric igniters capable of generating a spark to light the gas-air. The electric igniter may operate with either a push button or a rotary knob. While both generate a spark, the rotary igniters are easier to use and are more likely to light on the first try.

Above the burner is the heat distributor, a rack with either lava rocks, ceramic briquettes or metal triangles. When drippings from the food fall onto the heat distributor, they are vaporized into aromatic smoke. This smoke bastes the food above and gives it the characteristic flavor of outdoor cooking.

Gas grills require yearly maintenance if they are to provide safe, reliable service. Start by inspecting the lava rocks or ceramic briquettes on the heat distribution grid. These absorb food drippings and grease that might otherwise fall onto the burners. They can, however, become coated with excess grease and lose their absorbency.

Its simple to clean them. When the grill is cold, turn the rocks over so the greasy side faces the burner. Ignite the flame; turn the heat control to high; then close the cover. In about 15 minutes, the grease will be burned off and the briquettes best reasonably priced gas grill will be serviceable again.

Allow the grill to cool; then remove the cooking grids. Scrub them with a soft brass brush to remove grease and food deposits. (Brushes made for this purpose are available at home centers.) You can also use oven cleaner on grids that have heavy deposits of food or grease. Spray it on; wait about 30 minutes; then hose it off. This should loosen the deposits enough so they can be scraped off.

Next, remove the burner and venturi assembly. These can become clogged with grease, dirt and even spider webs. On some grills, the burners may lift right out, but in most cases youll have to loosen a retaining clip near the housing. Scrub the assembly with a soft brush and soap and water. Clean the inside of the tubes with a soft bottle brush. Dry the assembly off; then carefully inspect it for minute holes caused by rust or corrosion. Replace all defective pieces.

Examine the igniter wire for cuts or nicks. These imperfections may seem minor, but they could bleed electricity from the wire and cause a shock hazard. Its best to replace the wire, or the entire igniter if you find defects.

Inspect the gas orifices for blockage. If the openings appear clogged, clear them with a wooden toothpick. Do not use a metal wire, which could damage the orifice openings. While you have the burner assembly disconnected, you can clean the grill housing.

First, wrap gas orifices with plastic wrap. This will keep water from entering and possibly corroding them. Scrub the inner and outer surfaces of the housing with scrub brush and warm soapy water. Use a garden hose to rinse; then dry the grill with a towel. Examine the outside surface of the housing for chips in the finish. You can touch these up with spray paint made especially for high temperature applications. When the paint is dry, replace the burner assembly.

Once the grill is clean with all the parts in place, turn your attention to the gas line. First, clean off any dirt from the line, tank and fittings. Then test their condition by brushing on a solution of soapy water. The solution will start to bubble if there are any leaks. Leaks around the fittings can sometimes be corrected by tightening the fitting, coating the threads with pipe sealant or by replacing the O-ring. If these attempts fail, it may be necessary to replace the entire fitting.

Check the propane tank for dents and rust. A large dent can decrease the tanks internal volume and cause the gas to vent through the pressure relief valve, creating a fire hazard. Rust on the tanks surface may not be cause for concern, provided it hasnt eaten into the metal. Rust spots, however, should be sanded down to the bare metal, then primed and painted. Always store the propane tank outdoors, away from direct sunlight. Warm temperatures can cause the gas to expand inside the tank, forcing it through the relief valve.

After youve performed this maintenance routine, keep your grill in good condition by protecting it with a cover.

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Joined: January 7th, 2021
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