Top 10 Proven Home Remedies for Period Cramps Relief

Posted by Glow KL on January 22nd, 2021

The menstrual cycle is a series that comes with a monthly subscription in a women’s life. Biologically, it is a healthy sign of female wellness. Bleeding on a periodical basis may sound bearable at some level. However, menstrual cramps are the main villain in the story. The cramps are the outcome of contractions which occurs to shed the built-up lining in the uterus. These cramps then convert into unbearable pains in the specific areas. One cannot wholly blame the kinks for the aches, sometimes bloating and gastric reflexes are also responsible for it. We are sure from buying period cramp oil to trying out black ginger tea, each one of you has suffered immensely in those four to five days. It is time for you to sit back and relax, as this article will help you know the proven home remedies to provide relief from the period cramps. Let us look at the treatments and get you back on track with your busy life. 

Give it the Heat Treatment - 

 A study was conducted in the year 2004, in which the participants who applied heat patches in their abdomen, had lesser mood swings and felt the minimal amount of pain. Whereas the participants that took an over-the-counter (OTC) pain reliever, like acetaminophen, were not that much relieved and starting to feel the same after the effect of the dosage was gone. 

The heat treatment improves blood circulation in the abdomen, which helps to relax the muscles causing the period contraction. This circulation makes the pains bearable and super comfortable throughout the day. 

Pitch in for the essential oils - 

Blending the essential oils and massaging with it on the abdomen area will ease period cramps and boost blood circulation. One can easily blend essential oils such as lavender, sage, rose, marjoram, cinnamon and clove. If none of them is there along with you, you can easily buy period cramps oil, which is already infused according to the user's preference. Before massaging with the essential oil, make sure that the essential oil mixes it with the portions of carrier oil like coconut oil or jojoba oil. The essential oils will not be that harsh on the skin, and it will also cover the larger area. Massaging it five minutes will help lessen cramps and boost circulation in your abdomen.

Sweat it out - 

It may sound like an impossible task at that time but proves to be one of the best and healthiest ways to get rid of cramps and the bloating. Having low to medium intense aerobics will easily give relief from all the cramps and bloating as well. A study expressed that, women who are in the habit to work out for 30 minutes every day are likely to experience less period pain. One can easily pick out the exercise as per their own choice or their hobby. Such as biking to work, dancing to your favourite tunes, a brisk walk at lunchtime or playing a sport you enjoy.

Do the right Yoga Pose- 

It is an alternative method for those who are not that much into the high intensity work out. Yoga is capable of doing wonders, and we all know that. Women who participate in a 60-minute class regularly have control on period cramps and stay much more calmer. Yoga entirely focuses on the two components- the physical part and the mental component. 

Maintain a suitable diet

Many females intake their food according to mood swings, but this is not how it should work. Eating the wrong choices of food is a desperate and more comfortable move. And the outcome of such decisions ends up in bloating, discomfort and extreme pains. Below given is the section of food type which one should avoid in their menstruation cycle- 

  • alcohol

  • fatty foods

  • salty foods

  • caffeine

Try to stay hydrated- 

Try more water intake, then it would be more easier to flow. Women who are dehydrated can have some severe period cramps. Therefore, drinking eight glasses of water, especially warm, is recommended by the experts to escape the painful period pains. 


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Glow KL

About the Author

Glow KL
Joined: January 22nd, 2021
Articles Posted: 1