Characteristics of French Bull Dogs

Posted by luxujohn on February 8th, 2021

Physical Description
The French Bulldog looks very similar to a miniature Mastiff. Although it has a small and compact body, the shoulders are wide, the chest is deep and the neck solid. The whole body displays a well-highlighted musculature, and the head with the flattened snout and ample, erect, bat-like ears is the strength of the appearance of this cute and funny dog.

They are playful, alermitous, lively dogs and involved in the activities that take place around them, especially in the early part of the day. Special descent makes them behave quite beatingly in some situations, which is especially true for males. They are brave and quickly engage in disputes when challenged, without being intimidated by the waistline. The general activity regime is not very high, consumes its energy quite quickly and settles comfortably in a quiet corner, becoming sleepy.

Care and susceptibility diseases
Very attached to people and dependent on their presence, it turns out a classic family dog. It takes firmness to be educated to take care of yourself outside. They're pretty susceptible to disease. The most common health problems: von Willebrand disease, thyroid dysfunction, implications of brachycefalic syndrome, aspiration pneumonia, esophageal malformations (megaesophageus), spinal problems (chondrodysplasia), "cherry-eye" (bloody eye disease). They become slightly overweight if their diet is not supervised.

Living conditions
Two or three quiet walks a day is enough, they consume their excess energy around the house. It is an indoor dog, does not tolerate the cold and reacts acutely to excessive heat. It is a good play partner for children, but it is recommended for middle-aged children to avoid accidents and injuries. A companion suitable for people of second and third age, with a more calm pace of life.

In training the emphasis should be placed on compliance with hygiene rules inside the home. It is also necessary to insist on obedience training, because it often proves stubborn and independent. It will require monitoring and control of aggressive tendencies, with predilection in males. He remains a tenacious hunter of little rodents.

A comfortable, affectionate and comforting pet.

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Joined: February 8th, 2021
Articles Posted: 1