Home workout plan for Type 2 diabetic patients

Posted by zawadia otieno on February 8th, 2021

“To enjoy the glow of good health, you must exercise” as quoted by Gene Tunney. 

Exercise not only changes your body but also changes your mind, mood, and attitude. Exercises such as swimming, Walking, Yoga, and others can help manage blood sugar levels and weight for type 2 diabetic patients. 

If you have type 2 diabetes, managing your body weight and blood sugar levels are the utmost priority. Exercising can also reduce your risk of heart diseases such as heart attack and stroke, reduce cardiovascular risk factors and improve overall health. Exercising regularly can also prevent the development of diabetes in prediabetic patients. 

Is diabetes curable? No, there is no cure for diabetes yet and even these exercises mentioned below will not cure diabetes but will help manage blood sugar levels, lose body weight and improve overall health.  

According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), people should workout for 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity any workout per week. It’s also important to do at least two sessions of strength training each week. 

If you’re looking to start a workout at home, it's important to discuss it with your doctor first to make sure there are no restrictions or certain precautions for you. 

Below is the home workout plan for type 2 diabetes patients that doesn’t require a gym membership, expensive equipment, or fancy workout clothes: 

There is no diabetes cure yet, but scientists are working at a groundbreaking level to help people with type 2 diabetes put their diabetes into remission meaning into the normal range. Below exercises that might help you to improve and manage blood sugar levels at the comfort of your home. 

  1. Walking:

You don’t need an expensive workout plan or gym equipment to stay fit. You can start walking right now if you have a good pair of shoes at the comfort of your home as well. Start with 30 minutes of brisk walking for five days a week either in a park or at home. Have you tried a happy walk at home with Leslie Sansone! It's the world's best fitness walking plan at home. You are gonna enjoy it, we bet! 

Walking can help type 2 diabetic people lower their blood sugar levels and lose weight. 

  1. Cycling:

Approximately half of the people with type 2 diabetes have arthritis. Both conditions have serious risk factors in common including obesity. If your nerves have become damaged which causes joint pain then opt for a low-impact workout plan at home. Cycling at home with the help of stationary equipment can help meet your fitness goals while minimizing strain on your joints. 

  1. Swimming:

Swimming can give your heart, lungs, and muscles a workout. Swimming can help lower blood sugar levels much as land-based exercise does. If you have a swimming pool at home then that’s awesome otherwise take a membership in the club nearby and start with aquatic activities. 

  1. Team Sports:

If you find it difficult to exercise, then opt for a recreational sport of your choice. Recreational sports such as aerobics, basketball, soccer, frisbee, or softball all can help for a good workout to stay fit. 

  1. Aerobic dance:

Signing up for a Zumba session or aerobic workout can also help meet your fitness goals. Thanks to the zoom video sessions which can be taken at the comfort of your home. This workout will help people to lose weight. Both men and women can participate in this kind of workout plan. 

  1. Weight lifting:

Weight lifting and other strength training exercises can help build muscle mass which may increase the number of calories you burn each day. Weight lifting can also help improve blood sugar levels in the body. You can do weight lifting at the comfort of your home with the investment of a few pennies in weight lifting objects. 

You must include weight lifting in the weekly workout plan under the supervision of a trainer. 

  1. Resistance band exercises: 

For a low impact workout, you may also do resistance band exercises to strengthen your muscles. Weights aren’t the only strengthening tools to build muscles. You may take resistance band classes online or watch a video while doing the exercise. Resistance band exercise also benefits your blood sugar control. 

  1. Fitness training:

In fitness training, you use your own body to strengthen muscles. The exercises include squats, pushups, pullups, abdominal crunches, and lunges. 

  1. Pilates:

Pilates is a popular fitness program designed to improve coordination, core muscles, and balance. It may also help manage blood sugar levels. You can sign up for a pilates class at a pilates studio near you. Many videos online are also available. 

  1. Yoga:

Yoga has proved to improve blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels, and weight in people with type 2 diabetes. It may also help to lower blood sugar pressure, boost your mood and improve the quality of sleep. You can do yoga from the comfort of your home by watching a video online or taking video sessions under a trainer. 


Regular physical activity is important for both managing blood sugar levels and body weight. You need to first talk to your doctor and discuss the workout plan. They can help guide you to minimize the risk of injury. Narayana healthcare provides the best diabetes treatment in India with the help of expert diabetologists and trained medical staff for type 2 diabetes.

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zawadia otieno

About the Author

zawadia otieno
Joined: February 8th, 2021
Articles Posted: 1