Deploy to Microsoft azure

Posted by Tranberg Richardson on February 8th, 2021

Deploying jhipster applications to Microsoft azure can be as easy as deploying docker containers. Azure supports the deployment of Uber jar, war file and docker image, which is often deployed independently or choreographed on kubernetes. The deployment options documented below do not require sub generators. Developers will get azure trial subscription and perform all of the following deployment options utilising the free credit provided to the trial account. Some of the services covered below also provide free quotas based on the number of computing time (and / or) applications, which do not eat up the free points granted. For web applications, the very best entry service is azure app service. Generally, azure provides three key methods to deploy applications: (1) using azure dashboard; (2) using azure cli or (3) using Maven plug-in. This document describes some of those methods, however, not all of them and never all the available services. For more details, please visit the azure documentation website. Currently, azure does not provide plug-ins for gradle, so a number of the following guidelines will be specific to Maven project, while others may be completed using azure CLI and other command line tools. Jhipster applications configured with the next databases will discover theseServices of data storage solution: MySQL / MariaDB you need to use azure database for MySQL to create a MySQL (compatible with MariaDB) instance PostgreSQL you should use azure database for PostgreSQL to create a PostgreSQL instance MS SQL Server (MSSQL) you should use azure SQL Database create instance Apache Cassandra / mongodb you can set compatible API for Cassandra or mongodb on azure cosmosdb instance install on local environment and authenticate through azure cli. For more information, please go to the following link: install azure cli use azure cli for authentication in general, monolithic applications are the easiest to deploy. In this section, we will explore how exactly to utilize the Apache Maven plug-in for web applications and azure application services to deploy jar artifacts from jhipster project: azure app service supports running by jhipsterGenerated executable jar file. To carry on the deployment, follow these steps: add the next Maven plug-in configuration to the real key of: Please be aware you have to configure properties,, and with the correct project values. Because you might utilize the database, please don't neglect to modify the file appropriately. For instance , using azure MySQL database: exactly like jhipster production build, utilize the following command to build the project: deploy the applying: about the application for azure app For the latest information about Maven plug-in of service, please check the documentation. To deploy the entire application to azure as a docker container, the perfect and simplest solution is to run it on the azure container instance (ACI), which configures the docker container almost instantly. But to get this done, you have to first create an azure container repository (ACR). You can even push the image to the docker hub warehouse, and produce a docker container by pulling the image from there to ACI. But this technique is not safe, because your docker image may be downloaded by anyone, and the image might contain credentials (for example, database)). After the ACR is established, jhipster docker image can be generated and pushed to the warehouse for future use in azureThe image can be used on the container instance. Let us observe it works: suppose you have a jhipster application called. Build docker image for monolithic jhipster project: mark the generated docker image and push it to ACR instance. For instance: make sure that your docker cli has passed ACR authentication push the image to your ACR instance: now, your image will come in the azure container warehouse, and you can produce a docker container based on it on the azure container instance (ACI). Make reference to this document for a complete step-by-step guide. The following steps are for simplicity and should not be properly used in production: enable administrator: retrieve password from ACR to verify ACI: deploy container with 1 CPU core and 1 GB ram: to deploy jhipster microservice to kubernetes on azure, all you have to to do is create an azure kubernetes Service cluster and configure it as local. After that, you can follow the general jhipster on the kubernetes documentation. Please follow these document steps for a complete operation process. spo to club details

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Tranberg Richardson

About the Author

Tranberg Richardson
Joined: February 8th, 2021
Articles Posted: 1