5 Features the Best EHR for Psychiatry Should Always Have

Posted by Kaiden Hale on February 10th, 2021

How a Psychiatry EMR can Help your Medical Practice 

These days the world is becoming digitized more and more every single day. Processes which were once done manually and took hours can be done within minutes through the help of technology. Similarly, medical EHR software is being used by more and more practitioners to bring ease and uniformity to their day to day processes. 

In this article we are going to discuss several features which can help you manage your practice. From helping you gain better insight into certain conditions and thus make better treatment plans to reducing the administrative duties on you through patient portals; you can do it all! In this piece, we are going to tell you about some of the features which make for the best EHR for psychiatry

5 Features your Psychiatry EMR Should Have 

Interoperability for Better Treatment 

A feature which your EHR software definitely needs to qualify as the best EHR for psychiatry is the interoperability feature that helps you to be able to gain access to different information from other users on the EHR network. 

With access to more information from other users, not only are you able to make more accurate diagnosis in a shorter amount of time but you can also construct better treatment plans for your patients from the get go as well. 

Patient Portal for Reduced Administrative Responsibilities 

The next feature we want to talk about is definitely a necessity in any EHR software especially one which is to be considered as the best EHR for psychiatry is the patient portal feature. With a patient portal feature your patients can schedule their own appointments. 

They can also fill out forms online so that you can save time in your appointment. You do not have to fill out extensive paperwork since they would have already done so before their appointment. The software also sends patients automatic reminders for their appointments which reduces the number of no-shows at your practice. 

E-Prescription for Convenience 

As a psychiatrist you need to be able to prescribe medication easily so that your patients can pick up their prescriptions very easily without any issues whatsoever. With the e-prescription feature in this software, you can make prescriptions online and your patients can pick them up from whatever pharmacy is most convenient to them. 

This is a very important feature since someone with mental health related issues needs to be given as much convenience as they can get so they do not have any hurdles in between getting the medication that will hopefully help them function normally. 

Template Options and Customizations 

Another feature you need to have in a software for it to be considered as the best EHR for psychiatry is that it should have several template options for you. You should be able to choose whatever template suits you needs and also be able to make customizations to the template. 

This is very helpful because with a template of your choice and customization options you are able to construct a template that is easy for you to navigate through as well as fill out. With a template of your preference you reduce the time it takes to fill out paperwork and hence save a lot of time and energy for yourself and your employees at the medical practice! 

Billing and Revenue Related Features

Another feature that any software to be considered as the best EHR for psychiatry is that it should have billing and revenue cycle management features. This means that the software should help you with your billing so that you do not have to spend time on that task and also reduce the amount of mistakes you might have made when the billing processes were entirely manual. 

All in all, you should have money-related features that help you figure out how your practice is doing financially and thus enable you to be able to not worry about finances since the data will be right there with you. 

How to Choose the Right Psychiatry EMR for Your Practice

Apart from keeping an eye out for features, we have mentioned above, other tips you can utilize in order to find the best EHR for psychiatry for your practice is to go online and read as many reviews as you can for whatever EHR you might be interested in. Other than this, you can also ask the vendors for a few software you might have shortlisted for a demo of the software before you commit to it! 

All in all, you should be able to figure out the best EHR for psychiatry for your medical practice and your specific needs with the pointers we have given to you in this software! 

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Kaiden Hale

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Kaiden Hale
Joined: December 21st, 2020
Articles Posted: 9

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