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Posted by Luu on February 15th, 2021

How Coffein Can Help Preterm Neonates

Coffee, dark roast, coarse, bitter, robust and green teas are the main components of coffein. Coffein has been used since ancient times as a folk remedy for a variety of ailments and is still popular in some parts of the world today. It is also known to be a powerful diuretic that stimulates urination. People who drink a lot of water regularly are advised to take care of their kidneys and bladder, so they should avoid beverages that contain caffeine.

COFFEIN, a powerful phytochemicals present in green tea, is believed to play an important role in preventing the development of certain types of tumors. In nude mice, its antineoplastic effect was established by its ability to halt the breast tumor growth. In experiments with rats, coffein prevented inhalation of carbon dioxide and reversed hyperactivity, whereas in non-coffee drinkers mate a there was no significant change in either behavior or in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood. This study indicates that caffeine is a strong respiratory stimulant.

A recent study performed at the University of Reading in the UK, in collaboration with the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), found that caffeinated beverages were associated with a statistically significant increase in the risk of apnea (breathing disorder) in non-caffeine users. The risk increased significantly, especially in smokers and users with severe obstructive sleep apnea. While researchers can not draw definite conclusions, they believe the study may have clinical relevance and are publishing their results in a leading British medical journal. Caffeine, they suggest, may act as a stimulant, which means it could be responsible for the increase in apnea risk seen in caffeinated consumers.

A major problem with coffee beans is that it often becomes difficult to remove the caffeine content when processing them. Decaffeination, which uses highly refined chemicals to remove caffeine, has been in use for decades, but most processing plants do not use this method. Another problem is that many health organizations and others recommend against the use of decaffeinated coffees and teas. They contend that the reduced caffeine content is ineffective and poses a risk to individuals using them for therapeutic purposes, such as relieving anxiety and sleeping disorders. A third major concern is that exposure to low doses of decaffeinated coffee may have adverse side effects.

In addition to providing relief from headaches, the benefits of Coffein may also aid in treating preterm infants. Research indicates that the cardioprotective properties of caffeine may provide protection against preterm neonates' neurological conditions and cardiovascular problems, such as sudden infant death syndrome. However, it is unclear whether the consumption of Coffein lowers the risk of these complications.

To achieve maximum therapeutic benefit from Coffein, it is recommended that mothers place a small amount of Coffein-based preparation inside a vial, such as a pregnancy test vial, inside of their baby's diaper. The vial should be left in the baby's incubator for approximately four hours before placing Coffein-soaked gauze inside of it. This preparation should be placed in the incubator's bathroom cabinet, but will need to remain there until the incubator is switched on, meaning that the Coffein-soaked gauze should remain in place overnight. For the first 24 hours after placement, the vial should remain in the bathroom, but only be removed for cleaning every morning. If Coffein is not successfully used in these four steps, a substitute preparation should be used for subsequent treatments.

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Joined: February 15th, 2021
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