How often should you service your ducted air conditioner?

Posted by Kevin Smith on February 20th, 2021

Air conditioners require routine maintenance to not face any issues during the hot days of the year. Some simple maintenance habits can save you from a headache and wasting your money.

The moment the sun rises, your AC is all up and running. Opting for residential ducted air conditioning installation also comes with an added responsibility of regular upkeep.

What's the best time to service the AC unit?

You need to find a reliable servicing company to survive and be comfortable in hot and muggy climates. However, the duration your AC works in a day determines how many times it needs servicing. If you use AC for the whole year, the unit would require at least 3 times yearly servicing.

If you only use AC during the summers, once a year servicing is enough. While at it, some DIY tips can help tackle minor repairs and services.

How to keep your Air conditioner in check?

Many small servicings of AC can be done at home, but you have to be cautious and follow the right steps. Don't try to make changes in the AC if you are not aware of the parts and servicing techniques. It can damage the unit further.

Before performing any DIY steps, ensure the AC is not plugged in and the power off is off.

●    Removing dirt and debris from the filter:

With time, the AC filter gets jammed due to excessive debris and dirt. It is easy to remove the filter carefully from the AC. Check it in broad daylight to see if it needs cleaning.

Take the filter and scrub away all the dirt, and rinse it with water properly. For people living in humid climates, you have to clean the filter almost regularly. This step helps remove any mold or harmful bacteria from the filter that can enter your house through the AC. These molds and bacterias can cause an array of serious skin allergies and infections.

●    Keep the indoor vents tidy and clean:

For clearing the unit properly, you have to take the help of a professional. However, you can keep the indoor vents tidy and clean, plus remove any debris and dirt yourself.

You can also use a solution of bleach and water to remove any molds or fungus from the outside ducts. Ensure that nothing is clogging or building up in the ducts and the unit is insulated correctly.

After cleaning the unit and filter, it's time to see if the AC is functioning correctly or not. Turn on the air conditioner and put it on its maximum power. Observe while the AC is running, and if you see any stuttering or weird noises — if so, turn it off immediately and contact a professional.

However, if the AC is running smoothly and there is no hindrance, you are good to go. Getting your AC units checked once a year ensures a long life of the unit and optimum performance in hot weather conditions.

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Kevin Smith

About the Author

Kevin Smith
Joined: February 20th, 2021
Articles Posted: 1