How Video Production for Websites Brings Traffic to Your Website

Posted by Broadcast2world on March 11th, 2015

Online business owners have two common goals: to attract more customers and increase traffic to their websites. There are many ways to achieve these, and one of them is creating a video about your website or your business. Consumers (especially online) tend to have shorter attention spans. A majority of them would prefer watching videos to reading. This is why it always makes sense to add video production to your marketing plan.

Studies show that approximately 50 percent of marketers saw an increase in click-through rates when they use videos in their email campaigns. When you embed a video to your email, your audience is more likely to click the link that would lead to your website. This can make your email marketing campaign more successful, especially if your recipient is viewing the email on his or her mobile device. Most people find it easier to watch a video on their tablets or smartphones than read text, which they typically need to enlarge before they could read it properly.

A video can help increase your search engine ranking. Produce a video and upload it on YouTube, so search engines like Google can show it to users when it is relevant to their searchers. Relevancy is often based on popularity. Links and videos are the most commonly shared types of content online. When your high-quality video becomes viral, more people will share it. Google then tags your video on YouTube as ‘popular’ and improve your search engine rank. Being on the first page of Google's search results can increase traffic to your website.

Video production for websites can improve your online promotion and marketing as it helps you connect better with your customers. Video production can be achieved on a relatively decent budget, especially if you consider animated videos. There are animated video production companies that can make high-quality animations at competitive prices, which are fixed according to the video's duration and style of animation.

Viewers are more likely to retain information from a video than information in text form. Hence, adding an introductory video on the home page could be a good idea as it can help you retain your customers and encourage them to sign up, follow you on social media, and buy from you. Many viewers find that watching an informative video about a product or service can help them save time, too. In fact, consumers who watch videos about a product or service are 64 percent more likely to make a purchase.

 About The Company:

Broadcast2world is an Explainer Video production company that creates short animated videos. We compress your core business pitch into an entertaining video - simple-to-understand and easy-on-the-eye - and explain your business in a clear and concise manner, expanding your business to new customers effectively.

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Joined: August 16th, 2014
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