cuckold opowiadania

Posted by Trezza on March 12th, 2021

Why Cuckold Sex Increases Passion and Desire in a Relationship

You men like Ben Steele, founder and CEO of cockled dating.

And this is particularly important when you consider that many relationships. However, as you'll see this, is not the case with cuddled sex. So research by Helen Fisher, that likely the world's foremost expert on the evolutionary aspects of love and want reveals that new relationship, energy or NRI last no more than a couple of years.

So NRI is that type of intense arousal and tunnel vision you get when you meet someone new, you know, the, if they speak about being mad and love, you're just obsessed and that is NRE it happens. The gradual tapering of sexual intensity is just one of the reasons that so many couples find themselves caring way.

You've probably heard that money and sex are the two biggest reasons for divorce. And as I said, this really is a sizable area of the reason that the infidelity speed is around 40% and the divorce rate, depending on which union it is ranges between 50 to 70 percent. And that is also the reason so many girls are diagnosed with something called hypoactive sexual desire disorder.

And simply to allow you to knowthis is a little more than 33% of women in the U S that's a ton of girls. So drove as a girl or visiting the doctor's office and they're complaining about one thing, right? They are upset that they don't possess a desire to maintain having sex with their husband. Now, obviously they haven't yet engaged in cuckold sex, and it is not that they won't have sexual intercourse.

They've just lost their desire to have sex, at least with their husband. So check out this. They do not have one, but I'm going to show you that's because most physicians are unfamiliar with the power of cuckold sex. I used to think this was simply the inevitable effect of long-term relationships, but it really turns out there's a very special reason that sexual strength and passion fade over time.

And the rationale is a result of how we balance two quite specific equations. Now, before you go running, I guarantee there is no math involved. Uh, these are simply equations that I came up with after a lot of research and exploration to desire. So we now have the urge equation, which will tell us what the components of sexual appetite are and also the devotion equation, which tells us exactly what the elements of the majority of long-term connections are.

All appropriate. So let's take a better look at the first equation, the desire equation, and there will be six major elements that encapsulate sexual appetite. All right. So here is the desire equation. It is composed of mystery, novelty, doubt, anticipation, space, and appeal. But if that seems crazy, does not make any sense right now.

Don't worry.

We are going to arrive. So let us take a look at how each of these components produces desire, passion, and sexual intensity. And then we'll analyze how cuckold sexuality elevates them all. And by the way, I'm going to give you kind of a short overview. We are not going to delve super deep into all these just for time limits.

So if you want to explore this, I highly suggest that you check out Esther Perel, author of reproduction from captivity. She is the world's foremost expert on this specific topic. All right. So let's take a look at attraction. Think back to a time once you just met a new lover, this is either your present partner or a preceding one.

And what was the first thing that drew them now? When I asked many people, I usually listen to attraction, but attraction is multifaceted, right? Or refers to more than just physical appearance. We are also talking about their personality, their mindset, and that they are as an individual. Attraction, of course also embodies sexual chemistry.

You understand, that instant and powerful pole which you feel when the polarity between you and another really sparks type of like lightening in your body are really so let us check out mystery. When you meet someone they are an enigma, right? They're a puzzle to be solved. You really don't know anything about them, other than you enjoy them.

So there a puzzle and every secret that you discover over time, each layer which you peel back is kind of like unwrapping a Christmas present. And this slow gradual unraveling generates a lot of desire, right? You imagine who they are, what your life might be like together. That mystery type of drives you.

You want to solve it to know it and understand it. And burning fascination creates desire. So that brings us into novelty. Now, I'm certain you know this, but human beings, crave novelty and new experiences, right?

But what is, most of us create routines within our own life and we do it because it simplifies the things we do every day and it frees up brain capacity to concentrate and other problems and issues. Right. In general, it is a fairly smart strategy. However, acquiring a routine opowiadania cucold while exceptionally efficient for productivity, absolutely murders desire.


Think about it. If you needed a routine where you only make love every Friday at exactly 6:00 PM in precisely the same way, in the exact same manner, you are simply not likely to need to do it after a while. Now contrast that with this desire is the promise of something new. It thrives on the unknown and the unpredictable, both of which are contained in the publication.

And that is one reason that new fans generate such incredible amounts of lust in us. There's kind of like a new mountain to be climbed the new nation to be visited and a new experience to be generated. And they're also the source of intense eroticism and pleasure in Cocodrie. All right. So this one tends to be somewhat more challenging. And part of the appeal of this puzzle and novelty which we talked about is that both contain an element of doubt, right. We are simply not sure in either one. We do not know how the relationship will end.

We do not know whether they are going to become an amazing enthusiast or a fair one. We don't know if they are going to want us just as far as we need them. And part of the reason why that uncertainty turns us on so much when we first meet someone, is that we're not yet a couple, right? We haven't become a foregone conclusion.

We haven't yet crossed that threshold into union, which means. We do not have the same fear of loss and abandonment that we get in committed relationships and that not understanding and sort of gradual unraveling is really fascinating and enticing, you know, what exactly are they going to do ? What will I experience and how will I feel? The anticipation slowly builds the one thing inside of you enjoy a toaster or to use another analogy. It brings back the bowstring and creates a great deal of tension. In fact, it generates so much tension that it begs for launch and we can't take it anymore. We finally let the arrow fly.

Anticipation is a natural element of new relationships since we have not yet developed the patterns that kill it. So once you're brand new, you're constantly thinking about what is coming next, right? You reside in a constant state of expectation, right? Consider when you met someone new, you're always thinking about kissing them or making love to them and wondering how it's going to be art, reflecting on how it was that contrast that with 10 years of marriage and you start to view the challenge.

So all this imagining generate sexual intention through the anticipation of the act itself. All right. So that brings us to distance. Another one which makes people kind of move, Hmm. So the last major part of want is distance. What I would like you to do is imagine a roaring fire as your own relationship, because if you eliminate all of the distance and eliminate any distance, The fire will die, right?

Because it requires air to breathe and space to let the atmosphere in there too much distance. And there's not enough heat to keep the flame going too little distance. And there's not enough air to let it burn. You sort of have to locate this sweet place and relationships are certainly the same way. No, we've got a propensity to want to contract the space between us so that we could feel the heat of the fire on her religion in our entire body.

But a small amount of space really helps keep the fire blazing in the very long run that also elevates the feelings of uncertainty, anticipation, and mystery, which we've seen improved appetite. All right. So another chilly stand, the fundamental parts of the desire equation. Let us take a look at the components which make up a long-term relationship.

And we're going to contrast the two equations. So have a peek at the underside equation first, and we've got commitment equals familiarity and regular security, foregone, conclusion, closeness, and attraction. So the very first thing to see in case you have not already, is that each one of the components of the committed relationship. Minus attraction, puzzle becomes familiarity. Novelty gets routine. Uncertainty is substituted with safety expectation gets foregone, conclusion and space gets sucked in to closeness. So that the dilemma for couples in long-term relationships, is that what originally turns us on?


All those components of this desire equation. The more attached. We become to someone. The more we actually fear losing them. The nearer we become, the more we sort of reduced the distance. We want security, comfort, and reassurance in our connection.

But the thing is all of these come from eliminating or diminishing mystery, uncertainty, space and novelty. Right? You can not do this. You are not allowed to do so anymore.


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Joined: March 12th, 2021
Articles Posted: 15

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