skincare and literature

Posted by Monika on March 19th, 2021

Literature and skincare, a weird but unique combination to put in the same space. A combination that even though belong to different realms have something in common, something that make them quite complementary to each other. Some people may find it absurd to think or view these two totally distinct concepts in the same perspective as people like me. But as strange as it appears it is not. What makes them quite similar is their stages of evolution and progression with the passage of time; which is not confined to just one country or continent but all over the world; each country holding its historical journey of evolution in the field of skincare and literature.

Let’s talk about skincare first when we look back at its history, we will find many interesting ideologies and practices related to skincare used in ancient times and through this we will be able to get how with time these skincare practices went through intricate transitions. but even though the skincare practices or products certainly have changed as compared to previous times, what we value about skin has not. skincare holds as much as significance and attention in ancient times as it today.

Whenever the term skincare pops in our head our mind races to the era of ancient Egypt from where skincare routine first came to light. prominent figures such as cleopatra used innovative skincare methods to maintain the healthy and youthful complexion. if the sources of history are to be believed then it is stated that she used to bathe in milk to keep her skin smooth and supple. now coming to skincare terminology milk contains lactic acid. in today’s time popularly known as AHA i.e., Alpha Hydroxy Acids which are use to exfoliate and remove dead cells from skin. even though this practice doesn’t seem entirely lunatic it is understandable that it is unrealistic approach in modern times but thankfully because of scientific innovations we have been able to get insanely amazing transformation in skincare techniques and approaches. So instead of bathing in milk which is not pocket or time friendly at all, people have options to incorporate milk soaps in their routine that contain milk proteins and lactic acid to provide supple and soft skin. These AHA’s can be find in serums or creams or lotions in recent times which are really helpful in keeping the skin well maintained.

If we cross over the continent and visit the history of skincare in Europe, trends of using herbs, natural botanicals or oils in their routines have been there for several years. traditionally the blend of these ingredients was used by European women in the form of facial tonics to feel refresh and to fragrance their skin with the floral scent of these blends. But in skincare world it is known that this blend of oils, flowers or herbs act as an astringent that aids in tightening pores and balancing complexion thereby promoting beautiful and glowing skin. Hence, they are now being used in different forms like in the form of toners or facial mist.

Enough about skincare lets move onto our next topic that is literature. like skincare, literature is also surrounded by intricate web of development, phases and evolution of different genres or techniques. the history of literature in itself is very vast and holds great intensity consisting of stages in the development of writings in different genres such as prose, poetry or drama alongside the advancement of literary techniques used to make it easy to communicate to audience through these pieces.

it is quite hard to analyze the global history of literature supported by the fact that many texts or evidences have been lost over centuries. etymologically, the term literature derives from the Latin word Literra meaning letters. If sources are to be believed then literature in west originated in Sumer then flourished in Egypt then in Greece and from their it went to Rome. People do find literature and writing to be connected which they are but they are not synonymous. Hence, the Egyptian hieroglyphics and the very first writings of Sumerians do not constitute literature. The literary journey began with hymns written to praise God to epic poems to odes to prose writing to modern day’s novels categorized into fiction or nonfiction. Some of the early texts that would be qualified as literature’s first rousing phase include Epic of Gilgamesh in its Sumerian version and Egyptian of the Dead composed in Papyrus.

So basically, my website is the hub and amalgamation of literary and skincare world. Even though I haven’t stated about the journey of literature in this with that depth I keen on providing the content that will give you review and information on different pieces of novels or dramas may be who knows. As far as skincare is concern, I am quite sure that the website will be able to confer as much information as people will require, going through and analyzing ingredients use in skincare practices or products.

For me it is a thrilling experience to initiate this website and pen down my passion, share my perspectives and my knowledge with other people. since my childhood I have always this irk to create something, to be productive. I was very inclined and fascinated towards the creative aspect of literature but as I grew up as a teenager my inclination towards skincare also began brewing at quite rapid pace. This website, for me, is a way to do something which I love from the core of my heart and that is creating content in the fields that I have my genuine interest in.

And I know that being in the field of literature and skincare, two totally opposite fields, will be a handy and quite tough task and on the top of that is the competition which is quite fierce in this area. But I will still keep my endeavors going on to advance as a content provider and being a good professional.

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Joined: March 19th, 2021
Articles Posted: 1