Dynamic Storage VS Static Storage

Posted by hasnain shah alam on March 26th, 2021

When you're in charge of one or more warehouses, you need to know what goods are in storage and where they are inside the facility. What you do with your inventory has a big impact on how you arrange your warehouse. If you routinely ship merchandise from the facility, to manage it all for avoiding overstock inventory you'll need a storage system that allows pickers easy access to the most popular items. You won't need to rearrange goods as commonly if you're using the warehouse for long-term storage.

Static storage and dynamic storage are the two major kinds of warehouse storage systems. Learn more about each one's meaning and benefits and drawbacks to see which one is better for your warehouse.

What Is Dynamic Storage and How Does It Work?

Dynamic storage is defined as a storage system that does not assign inventory to a specific location. Instead of dedicating Row 1, Section 1 to Product A, the product is placed in any available location or a location based on the product's demand when using dynamic storage. If Product A is selling well and there are a lot of orders in a given week, it might be a good idea to keep at least some of the units close to the packaging area. As Product A's popularity declines, it may be moved to a less convenient warehouse location.

What Is Static Storage and How Does It Work?

In a dynamic storage system, product locations will change, but in a static storage system, they stay the same. Static storage is defined as a system that assigns each product a specific location. Product A will be the focus of Row 1, Sections 1, 2, and 3. Because static storage is used, if there isn't enough Product A to fill all three parts, some of them will be left empty.

Pros and Cons of Dynamic VS Static Storage

While one type of storage system isn't necessarily superior to the other, one may be a better fit for a particular warehouse than the other. When choosing a warehouse system and layout, weigh the benefits and drawbacks of each to see which best suits your company's needs.

Advantages of Static Storage

  • A static storage system is it's best for warehouses that are mainly used for storage rather than those where workers pick and pack items for shipment.

  • Another advantage of a static storage system is that it is simple to see when a product is low. Because a static storage system brings all of a product's units together.

  • it's also easiest to organize them so that the "first in" is also the "first out."

  • The location of the products is fixed in a static storage system. 

  • Storing items in the same location can make the process easier.

  • A static storage system can reduce the amount of time it takes to train new employees by reducing the likelihood of products becoming lost in the warehouse. 

  • You may only need to memorize a few locations rather than keep up with ever-shifting locations.

The Drawbacks of Static Storage

  • In a static storage system, the main drawback is the amount of capacity that is lost.

  • If you've set aside a section of your warehouse for Product A and the inventory level is limited, whether due to supply chain problems or high demand, you may find yourself with a lot of empty shelving as you wait for the stock to replenish. 

  • The structure is rigid and inflexible, you won't be able to store other items on those shelves.

  • Another theoretical disadvantage of a static storage device is the storage density. Items are always stored closely on racks or double-stacked in the system, making it impossible to reach them or for warehouse workers to walk around them.

Advantages in Dynamic Storage

  • A dynamic storage structure allows a product's location to change. The shift in position may be due to a variety of reasons, including retail demand and warehouse space. 

  • The products that are high in demand, are best to keep close to the packaging area to save staff time retrieving them. 

  • For the system's versatility, more items can be stored in a single warehouse.

  • A dynamic storage system has an extra advantage like the potential to maximize the amount of warehouse space used. If a product runs out, it may be moved to a smaller bin or shelf, where it can be replaced by a product with more units. 

The Drawbacks to Dynamic Storage

  • One significant disadvantage of a dynamic storage device is that it needs inventory movement and free flow to perform properly. 

  • Since workers sometimes move sites, it can take longer to teach them to select goods.

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hasnain shah alam

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hasnain shah alam
Joined: December 9th, 2020
Articles Posted: 38

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