7 habits of successful farmers

Posted by John Boyd on April 12th, 2021

7 habits of successful farmers

Highly successful farmers have one thing in common: good habits. 7 habits help farmers achieve the best quality in their crops and work.

1. Master the basics 7 habits

There are fundamental aspects of crops that a grower should always consider when dealing with crop-related problems. A successful farmer understands these fundamentals well and it is a habit to consider them before making changes to the process of crops. As part of these fundamental aspects, you should have 5 basic considerations:

a) Air exchange: Every plant depends on oxygen and carbon dioxide to survive.

b) Water exchange: Plants also depend on water to survive.

c) Nutrient exchange: It is important to understand the basics of nutrient uptake - it can be the difference between a good crop and a great one.

d) Light exchange: Light is essential for photosynthesis.

e) Thermal stability: It is important to understand the temperature of the air and soil for each crop.

2. Keep a consistent record

A successful farmer records his activities, the successes and mistakes he makes, to repeat the successes and not repeat the mistakes. It can be a traditional or automatic registration (on the computer).

3. Practical cultivation techniques

It is important to always use the senses to analyze crops. Computer programs can help you analyze and understand plants, but a good farmer can detect the health of his plants just by touching and observing them.

4. Regular soil and foliage analysis

A good farmer knows that he does not know everything and that he can rely on external analysis. It is a good habit to send samples to be analyzed in a laboratory. It is generally inexpensive and provides valuable information.

5. Research

"The successful producer is never satisfied, his mindset revolves around the idea that 'there is never enough and that 'there is always room for improvement'." He is always researching new techniques and advancements. The industry moves fast, and the farmer must make a habit of doing a little research each day to maintain his knowledge.

6. Keep your machines in good condition

If your machinery is not working properly, you will not be able to grow and harvest effectively. It is important to always keep your machines in good condition. Maintenance can be done during low seasons. A successful farmer always checks his machinery to ensure that it will perform well when you need it in the field.

7. Higher education and training

Highly successful people recognize the need to keep learning and improving both themselves and their teams. It is the same for farmers; the most successful attend industry events, seminars, and training, and then share what they learn with other members of their teams.

Cultivating is an art and a science. Successful farmers learn not only from their plants, but also from industry, customers, the market, and other crops. Successful and passionate farmers make the world better!

Checkout also  https://modernfarmertips.com/how-to-freeze-avocados

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John Boyd

About the Author

John Boyd
Joined: April 12th, 2021
Articles Posted: 1